Nice try.

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-yawns- by the way, if you have chapter request on what you would like to happen in the book like a scene in genera, you can comment it and I shall consider it :)

*aggressive spicy pork eating* I AM FINE
*chugs 12 bottles of water instead of milk* WHY ISN'T IT WORKING AAAAAA

Guess who's plan failed.. Lenny's! Also I mixed in a hint of a chapter request

Poland the Germany arrived at floor 3, Czechia greeted him happily and his two tails wagged from excitement (he is a hybrid of the two tailed lion).
'Ahoj!!' Czechia said happily.
'Hallo!' Germany said in return and hugged Czechia as a friendly gesture.
'It's been so long since we had a pool party! Apparently the owner said you can have your wings and everything out.' Czechia said happily, able to rest his lion tails. Germany let his ears and wings out and so did Poland.

Dear Amelie,

Since you helped me make this decision, I can share some details
Some country named Czechia has two lion tails. Germany has some wolf ears and black eagle like wings while Poland has white dove wings.
Germany, Poland and Czechia seem to be best friends, I'm trying to find out their relationships.

Germany stretched his wings, it wasn't healthy to keep them messed up so long. He brushed off a couple feathers.
'Wait.. how do we swim with wings?'
'Well.. we don't.' Poland answered and they both let them back in. Czechia cannon balled into the pool and his head popped from the water three seconds later.

'This is epic!' He exclaimed happily before Germany stood by the water.
'Is it cold?'
'UH- BRO JUST GET IN YOU BIG BABY!' Czechia yelled before pulling Germany by the ankle, who yelped before falling in the water. 

Poland burst out laughing seeing his boyfriend get dragged in the water. Germany got out the pool looking like a soggy cat.
'COULD HAVE WARNED ME!' Germany said while getting the water out of his wavy hair. Poland was still laughing, Germany smirked and splashed water on Poland, now all three were wet.

'NIEMCY! YOU SHALL PAY FOR THAT!' Poland said before Germany jumped in the pool while screaming, Poland dived in the pool and swam towards Germany. Czechia watched the disaster while doing some underwater front flips.

Poland catches Germany who yelped and Poland splashed Germany's face. Germany squeaked and Poland tickled Germany who giggled.
'POLEN HAHAHAHA- STAWP!' Poland stopped and chuckled.
'I have the high ground.' Poland said proudly before a wave of water smacked the two, America dived into the pool with water guns.
'I found this at the store, I got five of them. Here!' He gave one to the Aussie, himself, Germany, Poland and Czechia.
'FIVE SECONDS! NO TEAMING!' The countdown started, they prepped their guns before running in different directions.

'Any lives or getting out of the game?' Poland asked.

'NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP!' Aussie screamed before attempting to shoot Germany who ducked so it hit Chia.

Czechia took the hit and shot Germany with the gun who jumped in the pool to get more water in his gun, ge shot it at America sneakily who screeched before shooting Germany back. Poland was in a safe spot, aiming at the Aussie who was completely distracted....


'Mr.. NATO?' Slovakia said, NATO out his papers down frustrated that he couldn't find a way yet to bring back the nations.
'What do you want Slovakia?' NATO said.
'Apologies to bother you sir but I found Panama passed out in her office while I was looking for my Czech flag pin.' Slovakia said while the Czech flag pin was on her blouse.

Experiment 3 (countryhumans)Where stories live. Discover now