Double Disaster 2/3

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'I should leave, it's late.' Taiwan said, as she headed to the door.
'Wait!' East called out and she turned back.
'You can stay here for just this night, it's not the best to go out at night.'
'Chen might be worried about me so it's really fine!' Taiwan knew Chen would be worried considered the "threat" Amelie gave about taking Taiwan.

'Cant you call her? Common Sense!' Ukraine suggested, Taiwan shrugged. 'It won't be a bother anyway.' Taiwan tilted her head a bit slightly that gave off  "you so sure about that" energy. Ukraine nodded one more time and East gave a small thumbs up as well.
Taiwan sighed and called Chen that she found a place to be in overnight before hanging up.

'I have some spare clothes instead of that crusty ass thing you're wearing?' East also offered, Taiwan shook her head multiple times.
'No thanks, I prefer my own clothes.' East left the room to get some blankets and a pillow for Taiwan while Taiwan stood there awkwardly, not knowing how to act.

Chen meanwhile placed her phone down, knowing that she is probably safer with other countries than Chen herself when the door suddenly knocked.

'Who? Huh? It's 11pm what???' Chen tiredly told herself before getting up from her bed, dragging her blanket along with her as he fidgeted with the door knob.
'Ughhh.... Stupid bad eyesight.' She threw her blanket on the floor to get her glasses, feeling the cold air run through her body.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

She snatched her glasses and fell over, questioning if she got drunk of air to be this clumsy.

'I already cancelled my order for 400 plastic babies. It better not be Amazon!' She groaned before she stopped. Wait. Wait a damn minute. Could it be Amelie? She reached her hand quietly to open a drawer to take anything to defend herself with in case.

'The door won't open itself you know?' A voice said behind the door softly, sending chills down her spine. Chen dropped her weapon, which was a sad pen with a sharp plastic tip. Chen leaned on the door.

'Leave. Now. She isn't here.'

'Taiwan isn't here? How cute. You don't have to lie.' Amelie yelled, punching the door. Chen pushed on the door to keep it shut but eventually Amelie broke the door, causing Chen to fall forwards. Amelie grabbed Chen from the back, taking a piece of the broken door and using the sharp edge to put by her throat. 'Where is she? Hm? Or do you want to tell me where is.. Germany? Poland?'

'Go back to geography class.' Chen answered, Amelie hated that response and flipped Chen over before pushing the object harder into her throat.

'Y-you! A-!' Chen struggled, using her hands trying to pull it off her. Amelie glared at Chen, pressuring her to tell her where Taiwan is or the others. Obviously, Chen did not know where either were. Chen tried to kick Amelie away, failing miserably.

'FINE!!!' She let out, Amelie stopped pushing, only using the object as a threat. Chen reached her right hand, holding onto a small vase before grunting as she flung the vase into Amelie's face, shattering the poor vase. Amelie let go, holding onto her now bleeding face. Chen kicked Amelie aside and slipped on a broken shard, making Amelie pull back Chen towards her while keeping one eye closed to prevent blood from getting in her eye.

'NO! YOU! YOU LOOK LIKE THE UNIVERSE WAS DRUNK WHILE CREATING YOU!!' Chen screamed back before trying to escape Amelie's grip. Chen tried to reach her phone to call for help while struggling out of her grip.
Amelie punched Chen, she groaned from the pain and coughed out some blood.

Taiwan sat down on the sofa, covered in a blanket that East gave her while Ukraine and East sat by the table having a conversation.
'I do remember the time we burned down a treehouse! That was much before I left when things got crappy though...' East said, 'But hey... we can focus on the present now. We are together and that's what matters the most now.' East said, Ukraine smiled lightly until Taiwan's phone rang which prevented East and Ukraine from doing whatever they wanted to do.

Experiment 3 (countryhumans)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ