5k dollars

344 7 9

It's the weekend! Finally! I was at my friends house after school because school ended 2 hours early :)))

I started here on Friday- finished chapter on Saturday <3

Germany woke up while the car pulled to a stop and then remembered what happened, he was still dizzy and put his arms up to search around his blurry vision, Poland placed Germany's circled glasses on Germany and he saw better. He had to blink a couple times before he could see again. Poland waved to the German who was still a bit tired.

'Are you more awake now?'
'How long was I out?'
'Two hours? We arrived at the place named.. what was it again America?'

'Hilton, Hotel Hilton.' America replied, 'time to get up weaklings.' America put out his hand for Germany and Germany placed his hand on America's to accept the offer.
'America we aren't weaklings.' Scoffed Poland before rolled his eyes. Germany had his arm wrapped around America as he helped the German to the hotel room.


Dear Amelie,

As you know I've been the owner of Hotel Hilton. You probably heard the FBI stuff. I know you won't believe this but.. I have them? They are extremely passive and just want to return. I let them stay in the hotel but what should I do? Do I keep these "aliens" or what next?

-Lenny (
I do not know who the CEO of Hilton is, and wont since I don't want to write about a real life person. We pretend it's Lenny okay?)

Dear Lenny
First of all, what the fuck? Second of all I believe. It's best to report it to the FBI though in my opinion. Even if you earned their trust they might attack you later on. You know how the guards died!

Or you can make a deal with the Area 51 and kind of monitor them and find out stuff about them without lending the countries know.. you know you could make some good money from that.


American helped Germany on the hotel room bed before standing up straight. Poland sat down besides the exhausted German. Germany yawned and rubbed his eyes.
'How about my workaholic coffee?'
'Coffee with five times the dose? Nope. Regular coffee for you, espresso.' Poland protested before looking at the stuff on the hotel. 'How does this crap even work? Coffee might be delayed...' Poland was confused over instant coffee stuff that's provided by hotels.

Vatican and Australia shared a dorm, that's a cursed combination to share a room with. Luckily unlike Germany and Polands bed, they weren't combined. They were separate beds.
Australia sat down on his.

'How do we hide? I mean we have these stupid flags on us!' Australia complained. Vatican shrugged from across the room. Vatican looked through the hotel room and found a makeup bag that was forgotten by the last person. He opened it and found concealer. He walked over to the Aussie and looked at the makeup bag... who carries concealer in THREE DIFFERENT SHADES? Vatican asked Australia if the shades fit his skin tone. The Aussie nodded and Vatican tried it on.

'It works.. well that's one thing.. but are we able to go out?'

'I suppose so.. let's go to Poland's and Germany's dorm.' Vatican nodded and matched the second shade of Australia's before leaving to the halls. People stared at Vatican's clothes, which was basically what a pope would wear. Australia meanwhile wasn't as formal, the people didn't find out those were actually countries they were looking at.

Germany and Poland enjoyed their coffee.
'Wow.. coffee in the afternoon hits different.' Germany said as he finished the coffee, he placed it in the table.
'How do we work? How do we live here? How do I get my blood dose and things? We don't even have spare clothes!'

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