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I've been summoned

Taiwan and Ukraine sat at Ukraine' office again.
'They didn't approve it... should we still go to Earth?' Taiwan asked.
'I'm determined to go.' Ukraine said, 'In fact. We have to go.'

Taiwan didn't know how to feel, she was a people pleaser, and when one action she does that makes the other's mad, it makes her sick to her stomach. It was either pissed off organizations or a pissed Ukrainian.

'Fine.. I guess we will go to Earth. I need to make something first.' Taiwan decided, 'I need to make a contraption that will return us to here without anybody else.. you know they will make us instantly return.' Ukraine nodded. 'Also... Ukraine you might have to work on your hair, I'm not going to be walking on a planet with an ugly minion flag rat.' Taiwan added before leaving. Rude much?

'Taiwan. Your face is literally a stupid blue sun.' Ukraine scoffed.

'Ukraine? Sounds like minion language. Now I'm going to start working on the machine.' Taiwan said before leaving.


Germany checked on his wing.
'Well at least they are fluffy from when I cleaned them.' Germany shrugged.
'Niemcy. You literally got stabbed in the wing and you aren't the slightest bit concerned?'

'Nein, SHEIßE Happens.' Germany replied and Poland blinked multiple time.
'What?' Poland was confused, how could somebody be so chill.

'Should we check on Austria?' Germany asked.
'I mean yeah.. we should.' Poland said before helping Germany up from his chair. They walked to Austria's room and opened the door.
'Hey Austria, how are your wounds doing?'

'Better I guess. I just want to go home mainly.' Austria said while adjusting the bandages on her leg.

'Who stabbed you?'
'No idea... true figure was wearing a hood and a mask.' Austria said, 'Poland I need to tell you something.' Austria said. Poland looked at Germany and Germany nodded before leaving and shutting the door gently.

'We. Can't. Trust. Amelie.' Austria said as she held onto the table for support.

<Other dimension>

Taiwan was working on the machine carefully with Ukraine next to her.
'Ukraine.. can you pass me some water?' Ukraine nodded and took a water bottle before pouring some on Taiwan's head as revenge for the minion comment before handing the bottle to Taiwan. 'Oh you did not just-!'

'Oh yeah I did. That was for the minion flag comment earlier.' Taiwan strained the water from her head annoyed and took off her head band (or whatever the heck you call those in English) and wiped it on her sleeve before putting it back on before drinking some water and putting it aside.
'Wait what colour is this?' Taiwan pointed to a wire. Ukraine looked at Taiwan.

'Green, what? You thought it was orange or something?' Ukraine asked.

'Nah just double checking.. this is an important part.' Taiwan replied before soldering the wire to the board. (I tried soldering before, let's just say RIP to me but hey I made a custom lamp that runs on a small battery and lasts months)

'Ah shit!' Taiwan screamed before swearing quietly in Chinese to herself before taking the water bottle and pouring it on her wrist. 'I put it on the highest setting? You serious?' Taiwan said annoyed before damping the tool in a cold wet sponge and disconnecting the tool. 'Alright. That's it!' Taiwan announced. 'We can go to Earth.' Taiwan smiled proudly.

The door burst open, Ukraine and Taiwan turned slowly towards the door to see an annoyed Hong Kong.

'Taiwan, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?' Hong Kong yelled. Taiwan raised an eyebrow.
'What did I do wrong?' Taiwan questioned her little brother.

Experiment 3 (countryhumans)Where stories live. Discover now