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'Uhm... I'm definitely joining you guys. I haven't been my twin for years, no way I'm going to be away from him any longer.' East replied, hugging Germany as she talked.

Poland nodded, East turned around, letting go off Germany to grab something when Poland noticed her tail. He quickly looked at Germany. Hold up, there is this difference..

'Germany? East? How do you have a tail (Pointed at East) but you (pointed at Germany) don't!?' Poland asked. Germany looked ashamed and embarrassed at that question. 'Niemcy it's not a bad thing to not have a tail.'
'I used to have one.' Germany answered.
'So why not anymore.' Germany was about to say a story but then suddenly East cut him off.

'Okay so West decided to be a dumb fuck and he accidentally ripped his own stupid ass tail off. Is that a good story?'

'EAST!!' West exclaimed, it's one of the stupidest ways to lose a tail, so of course he was slightly annoyed.
Poland and Czechia looked at each other, before straight up bursting out loud. Austria and Hungary giggled a bit, they knew it before, but somehow found losing a tail hilarious.

'It's not funny!!' Germany shouted, Czechia and Poland stopped laughing and looked at Germany.
'I don't know- it just suddenly decided to detach from my body??' Germany didn't know himself. Poland didn't understand how one could accidentally rip out a tail, but apparently it's possible.

'And East, do you have wings?'
'Not anymore.' East shrugged, 'But seriously, it's best if we go now before it gets dark.' Poland nodded and they started heading back.

America and Canada were outside the mansion, all lights were off and doors to the mansion were locked since the others were out to buy some food.

They had to leave another time out of this state, not sure when, not sure how. Last attempt failed horribly.

'Okay. Canada, do you have keys?' America asked, 'I want to go back home.'
'No? I thought you had it?'
'OH MY GOSH YOU IDIOT!' America screamed, 'WHY?!'
'I DO NOT KNOW.' Canada responded, 'DO NOT BLAME ME FOR THIS.'

After a bit, it escalated. People watched them from the back.

'AT LEAST I DIDN'T FAIL ENGLISH IN THIRD GRADE!' America snapped back. 'YOU ARE THE STUPIDEST BROTHER I HAVE!' Suddenly someone whacked Canada's back of the head, causing him to pass out and fall forewords onto the concrete.
'What the hell? Canada? CANADA?? Earth to Canada? CanananannananNnaanannaannanada?????' American squatted down and shook Canada when suddenly a gun was pointed to his ear.

'Is this supposed to be the Canadian or American?!' One of the group members asked, the other shrugged and grasped America's wrist harshly, without time to react.
'It's the American.' The other one answered, he stared at Canada. 'We didn't have orders for the Canadian, just keep him here.'

The one with the gun pointed to his head whispered to America:
'You move, I shoot you okay? I can just take the Canadian instead to be honest.' American didn't know how to react, he wasn't in a good position. Yes, he can't be killed by them but he can be in a coma. Both are very bad.

'How about you leave me alone?' America suggested. Acting was his choice now.

'Yeah. How about you leave us alone.' A voice said, it was more high pitched compared to the others. America turned around,
'I said do not move. You fucked up for real.' The guy said, pressing on the trigger. America shut his eyes when the slapping sound was heard and a gunshot echoed through the area.

'I said leave us alone, ey?' America opened his eyes, the gun on the ground and long hair covering his face. A person was practically sticking to him.

'You think I'll let a random... kid tell us what to do?'

Experiment 3 (countryhumans)Where stories live. Discover now