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"And you're sure we can leave them in there? The hermits are resourceful, they could manage to escape."

Sylvia let out a soft chuckle, holding her hands behind her back as she walked through the darkened corridor of the castle. "There is no need to fear, my child. My magic shall keep your friends trapped. I promise that you and your fellow hermits will reunite. Once your brother joins us, I will make sure that the remainder of your friends shall join us." She assured Xisuma with a calm voice, causing the admin to nod.

"Of course. They must join us."

"And they will. Or at least, they will, if they wish for MumboJumbo to survive. Soon enough he will bleed out, so they must decide quickly. And if they don't..."

"We shall annihilate them." The admin said with a lack of compassion in his voice. "It would be a shame to lose them, but necessary."

"I'm glad that you understand." Sylvia smiled, placing her hand on Xisuma's head to slightly ruffle his hair.

She pulled her hand away, her smile fading quickly to a deep frown as her attention turned to the door in front of them. "Your brother, however, does not."

Xisuma sighed, his gaze cast to the floor. "He has always been a rebellious soul, mother. I hoped that he would change. But...Xanthus is stubborn."

Her wing curled around her son, causing him to glance upwards. "He will join us. Whether it be willing, or forced. I gave you a choice, and you chose correctly. It seems as though Xanthus is not as wise."

"He will understand soon enough." The admin said, stepping forward towards the dungeon doors.

With a flick of her wrist, the doors opened on their own, surrounded by an aura of silver magic. "Let's not keep him waiting then." Sylvia said, walking down the steps into the deeper parts of the castle, with Xisuma close behind.

The stone steps of the dungeon echoed beneath their feet, as the torchlight from the castle began to turn sparse. Xisuma shuddered as the temperature dropped, a chill running up his spine. A quick glance at his mother gave him reassurance, as she held a silver flame in the palm of her hand to light the path ahead. The two reached the bottom of the steps, a long hall of darkened cells and iron bars lining the walls.

Sylvia glanced to her left, then her right, puzzled for a moment. "Where is BDoubleO?" She asked, walking forward. "He was supposed to be here, guarding your brother."

"He might be off getting another to guard. Bdubs does have quite a bit more work to do in order to finish the castle." Xisuma suggested, though the watcher shook her head.

"Well, we are not here for him. Let us find Xanthus, shall we?" She gave him a smile, walking forward through the dungeon. Her footsteps were quiet against the hard stone, her wings brushing against the walls with each step. It was a rather small corridor, a dreary feeling of gloom and despair hanging over them like a heavy blanket.

They stopped at a cell not too far along, giving Xisuma the opportunity to peer past the iron bars. His brother sat in the shadowy corner, wearing his helmet to obscure his facial expressions. "Why don't you hurry and place the mask on him?" Sylvia offered, closing her palm. As she reopened her hand, the flame reappeared, with a mask inside of the fire.

Xisuma hesitated to take the mask from the flame, though it didn't seem to burn him. He slowly immersed his gloved hands into the fire, removing the mask with ease. The eye on the mask seemed to glow with fresh magic, filling the admin with an eerie sensation.

The Silver Sun - A Hermitcraft Watcher AUWhere stories live. Discover now