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"MOM!" Xisuma yelled, tears pouring down his cheeks from behind his mask. He shoved past his brother, rushing to Sylvia's side. "Mom—, mom, p-please—," The admin gasped and sobbed, gripping the fabric of her cloak between his desperate begging. He was on his knees, his head bowed as he cried over her body.

Xisuma lifted her head in his arms, pulling her into a tight embrace. The color had already drained from her skin, while silver blood ran like a river from her open wound. "Please, mother, p-please, you must wake up." He urged, gently trying to shake her awake. "I-I-I just got you b-back, you came back for me. Y-you can't leave me again, NOT AGAIN!"

He held her body close, sobbing into her hair. Ex hesitated for a moment, though he reached out his hand and placed it on his brother's shoulder. He kneeled beside Xisuma, the two locking eyes for a moment. "Y-...you killed her." X mumbled with a broken voice, tears pouring down his cheeks. "You killed our mother.."

"I'm sorry I hurt you, but it had to be done." Ex said, reaching a hand to grasp the edge of his brother's mask. Xisuma slapped his hand away, shaking his head.

"Y-you won't get away with this, Xanthus. You will PAY for what you did to her!"

"Xisuma, please—" Ex tried to reason with his sibling, but the admin shook his head.

"I'm going to KILL YOU, just like mother wanted." He snarled, grabbing Ex's wrist. X raised his sword, but he suddenly paused, turning his head towards their mother's body.

Ex looked towards Sylvia, sparks of magic escaping from her wound. Her body began to glow a rather faint silver, sparks of light rising off her body and floating up into the air. Parts of her body began to fade, turning into the bits of magic that filled the room with light. The same thing seemed to be happening to Eran, though his body was fading into purple sparks of magic, rather than silver.

"M-mother?!" Xisuma gasped, dropping his blade as he grabbed her hand with both of his own. Her form began to fade, disappearing into particles, though for a moment her hand tightened around her son's hands.

The lights faded and Sylvia gave her final sigh, her grip loosening before she disappeared completely, leaving no trace of where she'd been except for the few specks of silver floating in the air and her cloak. Xisuma lifted the bit of clothing off of the ground, his hands shaking as he pulled the fabric close. He buried his face within the cloth, sobbing.

"It's going to be alright." Ex assured his brother, wrapping an arm around X to pull him close. The admin didn't resist, he was more focused on grieving the loss of his dear mother.

Glancing over his shoulder, Ex noticed the other hermits. They were all just as stunned as Xisuma, mainly stuck in shock. The eyes on their masks began to glow, before they began to fade away, similar to how Sylvia's body disappeared. They faded into sparks that rose into the air, dissipating and fading until nothing was left but a couple of specks of silver floating slowly in the air.

Xisuma felt his mask begin to fade, the admin shaking his head desperately. "N-Nono, please, PLEASE—" He sobbed, his mask fading away into sparks of magic. Clutching the cloak of his mother close to his chest, he sobbed as the magic of the mask slowly faded away.

His brother placed a hand on his back, the two sitting in silence for a few moments. After a bit, Ex sighed before standing, offering his hand. "Come on, Xisuma. Let's go home." He said to X, who glanced up from his mother's cloak. His eyes had lost the deep purple color that they used to have, now replaced with a faded silver that seemed empty and dull.

Nodding silently, Xisuma took his sibling's hand. He kept his mother's cloak close to his chest as he stood, the admin's eyes glued to the ground. Ex placed his hand on his brother's shoulder, a look of concern across his face. His eyes watered slightly, though X shut them as tight as he could while clutching the fabric.

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