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Doc and Wels had sacrificed themselves to fight off the evolutionists, only to join the enemy side in moments. The small group of survivors had turned even smaller, leaving just three hermits to fight against their former friends. Joe knew that their chances of survival were slim, but the chances of escaping with the hermits back to normal was impossible. Now what? Well, it was obvious: run. They had no other options, no one would come to their rescue, and they had no plan whatsoever.

After locking the doors that led out to the balcony, Grian, Stress, and Joe had no choice but to flee down a darkened corridor. They had no idea where they were going, but all they could do was flee to safety. Hopefully, they would flee to safety, at least. The southerner still had no clue where they were going, but it seemed as though they were heading deeper into the depths of the castle.

"Do you think— do you think X is still on our side?" Grian asked with an out-of-breath huff, slowing down to take a moment to catch his breath.

"He disappeared, didn't he? It's possible, but the chances of him getting caught are more likely." Stress mumbled sadly, shaking her head.

"We can only hope he's somewhere around here," Joe said while glancing around cautiously. "I don't think it's safe to go back and look for him. The castle is going to be crawling with brainwashed players soon, we need to get out of here before—"

A large crash came further down the hall, yet it shook the ground with a faint rumble, interrupting the poet. "They must have broke through the doors—" Grian said in realization. "—we don't have much time until they find us!"

"Quick, in here!" Joe hissed, pushing open the door to a darkened room. The two Brits ran in, the southerner taking a quick glance around before following them inside. He shut the door quietly, trying not to alert the evolutionists or the hermits that had broken inside. They were in some kind of library, shelves of books reaching towards the ceiling, looming over the three in darkness.

Frozen in place, the survivors listened to the sounds of heavy footsteps that beat against the floor, running through the hallway. This wasn't good. On the other side of the door that Joe's back was pressed against, was an army of players set on hunting him, Stress, and Grian down. The three could be found at any moment, they could be caught at any moment.

"What do we do?" The builder asked in a whisper-yell, pulling at his strawberry blonde hair in a panic. Placing a finger over his lips, Joe urged him to quiet down as the footsteps began to fade. He breathed a sigh of relief, the southerner's shoulders relaxing as he did so.

"I'm not sure. We're stuck here until we can figure something out.."

"They're probably circling around the castle—" Stress said quietly. "—who knows how much time we have before they start searching through the rooms.."

It seemed that they had less time than expected, especially as the doorknob began to twist from the other side. Joe stumbled in shock, grabbing onto the handle to prevent the door from opening. "Hide!" He hissed to the others, who quickly ran deeper into the library. A sword was shoved through the wood, managing to slice off a bit of his hair, just barely missing the poet's head.

As his attacker's blade was stuck in the wood, giving Joe a chance to flee. He could hear the creak of the door, then the light thud as it swung open and hit the wall. "Are you really going to try and hide?" A familiar British voice asked with a laugh, which was easy to identify as Mumbo. It made the southerner sick, he sounded so happy, like there was a smile stuck across the redstoner's face as he hunted down his friends.

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