Epilogue: Part One

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THATS RIGHT FOLKS, YOU DONT GET JUST ONE EPILOGUE, YOU GET TWO! I wanted to wrap a lot of things up, but with so much, I just decided to split it into two parts. Anywho, hope you enjoy :)

He was in agony.

Drowning in the guilt that he felt.

His mother was a monster; HE was a monster. Her choices, her actions, it all fell on his shoulders to fix. So many people were torn apart, ripped away from their homes, only to be dragged away and brainwashed into a mindless cult. She almost got away with it. She nearly finished off the Hermits. If not for them, well, it's likely that the Cult of the Silver Sun would have lived on for eternity.

And all that Xisuma did was give up. He gave in to the temptation that his mother lured him with. He could have done more. He could have helped. Instead, he nearly killed Ex and the other Hermits. It was so vivid. That rage that coursed through his veins, the adrenaline, it was all real. That wasn't something his mother could just fabricate. He wanted to murder his brother.

Xisuma was just as guilty as his mother was, possibly even more. After all, he let her in. He was the reason she even came to the server in the first place. Hell, she wasn't even interested in Hermitcraft. The only reason she targeted them was because he and Ex were there. They could have left with her peacefully, they could have protected everyone. All of this, all the pain and suffering that Sylvia managed to cause, Xisuma was responsible for it as well.

All he did when confronted by his mother was roll over and listen. He was subservient to ALL THE PAIN she managed to cause. Xisuma knew what she was going to do. He knew what putting on that mask would do. And yet he did it anyway. Why? Why would he do something so selfish and idiotic?

There was a knock on his door. Xisuma barely heard it. His knee was bouncing up and down nervously, his mind lost in a long list of regrets. He was replaying it all on loop, the memories practically burned into his head. There were so many things he could have done differently. So many things he could have done to help. So many things he could have done to protect the Hermits. And yet, he ignored them all. Every. Single. Time.

Eventually the door opened, which managed to bring the admin out of his thoughts. His eyes glanced up from the floorboards, which he had been staring at for longer than he initially realized. Taurtis stood in the doorway, his hair a bit rugged with his signature headphones around his neck. "Hey man," He tried his best to give a smile. "I just wanted to check up on you."

"Mm." X shrugged. His eyes went right back to the ground, almost as quickly as they darted upwards.

"You haven't gotten much sleep, have you?"

"Not since last time."

"Dang," Taurtis sighed, running a hand through his jet black hair. "I don't know how you do it man. It's been days. You can't just stay up forever."

"I never got much sleep before all this, I'm used to it." Xisuma gave a slight chuckle, though his expression remained sad and drained of all livelihood.

Taurtis leaned against the doorway, crossing his arms. "Come on man, just try and get a little rest. We got a lot of work cut out for us, and you can't do it when you're this exhausted."

Xisuma turned his head, glancing out the window of the room. The sun was past the horizon, leaving a mix of pink and orange hues painted across the sky. It was a short lived sight though, as the bright and cheery colors began to drain into a darker night sky. The kingdom was quiet, the streets empty other than a few who were wandering back home before nightfall.

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