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"No. No. NO!" X cried as he rushed to Ex, wrapping his arms around his brother while sobbing into his chest, the brainwashed man barely reacting to the show of affection. The eye on his mask was soulless, empty. No love. No pity for his weeping sibling.

"This can't be happening, this can't be happening! Ex, y-you're in there! You h-have to be!" The admin said between his choked sobs, clutching his brother while desperately begging for all of this to be some kind of twisted nightmare.

Ex's arms slowly accepted his brother's embrace, rubbing Xisuma's back to try and comfort the admin. "It's alright," he assured quietly, "I'm still here. It's all going to be okay."

Xisuma began to hyperventilate as he shook his head in disagreement. "N-no, nonononono you can't be alright! That w-watcher-"

"-Is going to help." Ex said firmly, his hold on Xisuma beginning to tighten. "She's going to take us to safety. We'll be protected by her power."

The admin gripped tighter to his brother, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Xisuma continued to sob at the loss of his brother, knowing what the watcher had done to him. Ex may think that he was alright, but that wasn't true.

It couldn't be true. That watcher had destroyed Taurtis' server and probably even more, whatever they were plotting is dangerous.

Ex looked to Bdubs as he held Xisuma tightly, giving the builder a slight nod. The hermit turned to the front door, locking the only exit before breaking off the handle with his axe. He glanced back towards Ex, who turned his attention towards his brother.

"Xisuma, you need to lower the barrier to let the watcher into hermitcraft." Ex said softly as he clutched his brother tighter, which made the admin flinch. He had never heard his sibling's voice so calm and gentle, Ex was normally harsh and cruel with his tone.

The Brit shook his head as he took in a shaky breath. "N-no, I can't. She'll destroy everything, Ex! Even if you say that she's good I can't risk it!"

"You're making a mistake," Ex muttered underneath his breath, his tone quickly changing from soft to sharp. "Either you lower the barrier, or we'll make you."

Xisuma pushed away, stumbling backwards as he shakily reached for his weapon. He didn't want to hurt his brother, but the admin had no other means of escape. Bdubs stepped forward, placing a hand on Ex's shoulder, the eyes on their masks staring at him with no emotion.

"It's no use, I told you. Xisuma won't listen to you." Bdubs growled underneath his breath, Ex nodding in agreement.

"You're right," he admitted in a hushed voice, "but let me try again. If I can just convince him to join us-"

"He won't. If we want to fulfill our mission, you know what we have to do." Bdubs said, the admin's brother letting out a quiet sigh.

"Alright." He said, turning back to his terrified brother. Ex pulled out his own weapon, loading an arrow into his bow, while Bdubs gripped tighter to the axe in his hands.

"P-please," Xisuma begged as hot tears stained his cheeks, pricking at the edges of his eyes. "I finally found you, you finally came back to hermitcraft, I-I can't lose you again.."

"It's going to be alright." Ex assured his brother, though his voice was still cold. "Once the Silver Sun comes to hermitcraft, you'll be able to join us, and you won't have to lose me!"

Xisuma shakily raised his sword, his eyes wide with fear as he glanced from his brother to Bdubs, unsure what to do. "I-I can't let that happen, but I also can't hurt either of you.." he said while his voice quivered, the admin's body shaking with his voice.

The Silver Sun - A Hermitcraft Watcher AUWhere stories live. Discover now