A Close Call

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Chapter 23
A Close Call

We just passed 300 reads! Thank you all sm for the support and enjoy this chapter!


Out of all the sounds going on in the burning room, the sound of thrashing chains and the calls of Eren rivalled all else after my own calls of agony had ceased. Eren was trying to break free of his binds and reach me, laying surrounded by flame.

With a final strike from Levi's blade and Erens thrashing, he had broken free, from the amount of force he has put into the final tug, he was forced onto the ground and lay for a only a moment stunned before rising to his feet, staggering. Then throwing himself over to where I lay. Ignoring the heat and pain he felt.

James was still pounding down on the door with his fists, futilely attempting to kick it down. He paused for only a moment to rid the sweat that had collected on his forehead due to the small cell-like room developing into a sauna.

Eren panted whilst putting out the flames that had grown over the bottom of my legs. Shaking me so I would awake. He pushed aside the the (h/c) hair from my face as he lightly tapped on my cheek.

Levi now stood beside James, ramming his body into the door in hopes of freeing us. Grunting in pain with every slam.

Breathing became laboured and their movements were sluggish.

Eren had given up on trying to wake me and instead hoisted my limp body into his arms.

"Come on!" James cried in despair. Throwing his bloodied fist against the door again. Immediately having a coughing fit afterwards.

Levi took his bandana off that was wrapped around the lower half of his face and approached Eren. Avoiding the flames with every step.

Eren looked to Levi curiously before he wrapped the bandana around my own face, protecting me from the smoke just a little more. He then went back to James's side and signalled for Eren to come over as well.

The small room was beginning to become more and more crowded with flames. "Okay, on the count of three, we all rush into the door and try to loosen its hinges, alright?" Levi instructed with a raspy tone.

Eren and James nodded. They all backed up a few steps. Eren holding me tight to his chest.

"1...2...3!" Levi called above the flames. As the three of them rammed the sides of the bodies into the door, a horrifying cracking sound emitting over the crackling flames.

Eren had me faced away from the door in a secure hold as he hit the door with his shoulder, a painful grunt sounding in his chest.

"Again." Levi rasped, coughing slightly. Wiping the sweat from his brow.

And again they hit the door, as the door shuttered from the sheer force.


Once more, the door cracked again, the metal hinges burning hot. Weakening its structure.

"One more time..." James wheezed.

With a battle cry, they all hit the door a final time, whatever was behind it was pushed away as the hinges snapped and released the door, sending the three men to the ground. I was still held firmly to Eren as he landed on the shoulder he had hit the door with.

The three men coughed and wheezed from the new found source of air as the smoke escaped the small room they had been trapped in. But the fight was not over yet. The fire was spreading quickly, the smoke gathering in the halls.

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