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Warning for gore.
Chapter 17


No... this isn't real....

The scientist was standing before us in the center of the illuminated room, he faced us with a look of judgment. My eyes wandered restlessly to every corner of the room.

The walls were made of stacked stone bricks, their age was determined by the amount of cracks and mildew growing through them. The lights of the torches making them glow through the iron bars of multiple cages that lined the walls perpendicular to each other. The ceiling was the same stone as the walls, chains dangling from various point with bloodied cuffs from past tortures. Blood splatters littered the smooth stone flooring. I couldn't peel my eyes away the more they scanned my surroundings. Everything was quiet except for Levi and I's shuttered breathing.

I inspected through the iron bars more and was met with a sight I wish I never saw.

In a majority of the cages were defected humans. They were trapped inside of the bars, confining their bodies along with their bloodlust. Once they caught a whiff of our human stench they raced the border of bars and reached out to us. They screeched in curtailing voices. Their mouths were agape with rotten yellow and black teeth, and their eyes; an endless void of suffering and death.

The defected pushed past each other to try and get as close as possible to us, their fingers were fruitlessly trying to grasp onto our clothing. I could only stand and watch. The scientist stood where he did and observed our behaviour.

Levi was the first to snap out of the hysteria.
"What the fuck is this shit hole?" He sneered while covering his nose, protecting it from the horrid stench the defected were emitting.

My hand was still clamped over my mouth. I felt like I was going to hyperventilate.

Why do they have defected entrapped in here?!

"This..." the scientist began, "is what we here like to call the 'catacombs', this place is where we experiment on these.... creatures..." He gestured his arms outward to the room.

I slowly removed my hand from my mouth and back to my side, glowering at the man before Levi and I.

"What good would it do to do so?" I asked in a firm voice.

The scientist sighed. "You really don't understand, do you?"

"What is there to understand? These are mindless killers." Levi snarled.

"Think about this alright?." He paused, "why are they mindless killers?"

I glanced towards Levi. His expression a moment ago was furious and now his face shifted to one of confusion. Then something snapped in my head.

He doesn't mean....

"What the fuck is that supposed to-." Levi started and took a step forward with clenched fists. But before he could charge I stopped him with my arm.

My gaze was fixed downward, a shadow concealing my (e/c) eyes. "Tell me. What do you mean by those words...?" I nearly whispered.

"That is not for me to discuss." He spoke.

I looked up to him, still holding Levi back. "Then tell us. Where is Eren Jeager...?"

"Nor can I answer that."

So he does know....

"Why the fuck not?" I started to grow angry and frustrated. I had completely forgotten that there were more than a dozen defected trying to crawl their way out of their confinement. I had forgotten that Levi was beside me.

Humanity's Blight (Levi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now