The Defected pt 2

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Heya! 👋
I'm just wondering, how do u guys like this book so far?

Long chapter ahead lol

I just reached 12 reads now and I hope we can get some more very soon :)

And I promise that Levi should be introduced by at least chapter 6. Sorry to make u guys the wait for it 😪
But it will be worth it, I have it all planned out on their meeting!

Enjoy the third chapter
The Defected pt 2

Slight warning for descriptive gore..


I stretched while walking alongside my parents, our footprints were silent as the chitter chatter of people walking past us were drowsy and nearly slumped over. They too were tired strangely.

I couldn't shake the drifting feeling, rubbing my (e/c) eyes with the back of my hand, we were approaching our home. A home that was the same as the rest here. It's plain wooden walls were standing tall, the small window by the dark door welcomed us home.

With fluttering eyes I walked in after my father, not even bothering to rid my feet of my boots. I slumped to the stair case where the second floor was located. The second floor was where the bedrooms were. The first floor was for the kitchen, bathroom, along with the living room. They were all small. Just the right size for a family of three.

My hand trailed along the steel railing of the staircase. My feet made their way up, I felt so tired, I needed to sleep for an eternity. My parents, having the same idea were already past the stairs and I could hear them down the short hall towards their bedroom.

After what felt like hours, I was atop the mountain of steps. My eyes were heavy and my legs refused to move properly. I was starting to sway. Bracing myself by putting a hand to the wall, I traced it to my door. Opened it with a small creek. Starring into my room I had only left a few hours ago. Not even bothering to change my clothes, my body was guiding itself as I flopped onto the bed.

Looking out my window at the tall concrete walls entrapping me inside here, my eyes fluttered and fell, my body and mind succumb to a peaceful sleep, for I was oblivious to the chaos that was soon to unveil itself. The whole internment zone was to turn into a war zone from the inside out. But my sleeping figure denied that warning feeling. I was finally at peace. If only it were to stay that way....

Minutes passed.....

Minutes turned to short hours.....

I awoke, unlike most others,
feeling... different...

My vision was blurred for a moment when I opened my eyes. Facing the window of my abode, I gazed into the darkness of night. The walls were no longer illuminated by the suns rays of heat. They were a dull figure through the shadow of darkness. Looming above us with taunt. The small specs of light shimmered with the the crescent moon hanging. The clouds that surrounded the moon glowed, giving me an uneasy feeling. The night was ominously casual.

Groaning, I elevated my body into a sitting position, scratching my messy (h/l) (h/c) hair. I looked around and noticed I had not changed. Sighing I arose, the boots I still strangely wore  planted softly on the cold wooden floor of my room.

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