The Plan

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I went back to The Defected Pt 2 and changed something. I changed the defected that was eating Carla to actually be Grisha that was eating her. I did this because I have a plan for the future of this story and doing that made more sense for it. I also changed something about that the worker that gave you the injection so you might want to go back and check in The Defected Pt 1. So go back and re-read them both if you like but anyway.

Slight blood warning.

Chapter 16
The Plan


"So that settles it then, the both of you are going to travel near the nearest military base and or get close to another wandering caravan yes?" Erwin was seated at his small desk in the centre of his tent, his hands propped up his chin with folded fingers.

Levi and I nodded.

"Then you will leave tomorrow morning." He finished, waving his hand off.

Levi turned around first and was about to leave when Erwin spoke one last time. "Good luck you too, and Levi. I need a moment to chat to you alone." Erwin looked to me like he was asking permission. I shrugged my shoulders and left the tent without another word.

I found myself thinking about Eren while walking back to Levi's tent. I was thinking about what they were probably doing to him at the moment. It was most likely anything but good.

I rubbed my hands along my arms since the chill of the night was starting to nip away at me.

I could sure use Levi's wa-

No, stop. Don't think about that.

My mind had slipped away from me and thought about the previous night. I just as quickly rid the thought away. Shaking my head.

I thought back to how this plan would even work. How were we supposed to get captured on purpose then try to find Eren while being monitored twenty-four seven. Let alone some how get him out of there and get back here in one piece.

Before I knew it I was back at camp. Taking a seat by the fire. I stared into the crackling flames, mesmerized by the dance-like movements they preformed.

Levi came back shorty after me. I was still sitting by the flames.

We sat there in silence. Neither of us knowing what to say to one another.

Levi abruptly stood up and headed towards the tent. I guessed he was checking in for the night. We had to leave early in the morning. I didn't follow suit. I just enjoyed the small amount of peace that I was given. It wasn't very often I would get the chance to relish in the quietness of nature.

Eventually the cold was beginning to annoy me and I walked into the tent. The moment I opened the flap the bright light from the fire spread around into every corner of the tent. Highlighting the man that sat upright not under the covers. It was odd, he has been in here at least for half an hour and he wasn't even under one of the two blankets.

The moment I let go of the flap door, the tent was submerged into darkness.

I sighed heavily for I could not see anything in front of me. The awkward silence that was shared between us was made more evident by the chirping of crickets. 

I took a few paces forwards and my right foot landed against something solid.

"Ouch." The monotone voice spoke from the shadows.

I stepped on Levi's shin, but he didn't flinch or anything. I mumbled an apology and found the clearing next to him where I was to sleep. I settled down and faced opposite of him. Exhaling thought my nose as I tried to doze off into sleep. I felt him also lay down and I grew anxious for his next move.

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