A Year Far Too Long

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Ima just jump right into the book here. But I just want to ppl to know I am actually enjoying writing this out. I've taken this so much farther than the English assignment this originally was so tysm for your support please do comment and vote!

Enjoy chapter nine
A Year Far Too Long


I have been wandering aimlessly throughout the halls of the headquarters for minutes. I don't remember where the dining/ mess hall was. I was so tired I don't think I was even listening to what Hange called it.

The clicking of my boots echoed throughout the lonely corridor. Until I paused and looked around a corner hoping to finally see the mess hall, but alas it was another set of hallways leading off into various areas of the castle.

I sighed as I ran a hand along the cold stone walls of yet another hallway leading me no where.

"Oi. What are you doing, everyone's at the mess hall I suggest you do the same." A cold tone reached my ears. I recognized it almost instantaneously.

I turned around to see the one and only Levi leaning against the corner of a hallway that turned into another. He had his arms crossed till he saw it was me.

"Oh. It's just you brat." He stood straight while keeping his hardened glare focused on me. His voice was muffled by the short distance between us.

"Hm?" I didn't quite hear him since he mumbled his last sentence.

"Never mind. You should be at the mess hall with everyone else, it's suspicious that you're not." His glare sharpened.

I shifted my weight to my right leg and crossed my arms over my chest. "That's the problem. I can't remember where it is."

The corridor was lit by crackling torches, the orange light reflected off of our faces. His eyes gleamed when he moved his gaze from the floor when he clicked his tongue. Clearly annoyed. "I guess I have no choice but to lead you there myself." He grumbled; already turning around, I quickly jogged to his position. Stopping a few steps behind him.

The walk was silent. I didn't bother starting small talk with him, I was tired and hungry.

Once we rounded the final corner I saw some double wood doors shut closed. I could hear chattering from behind them. I started to get nervous. I didn't know these people and they didn't know me, how were they going to react?

Before I realized it, Levi had already opened the doors and I was awkwardly standing in the entrance off in my own reality. Levi turned to look at me and 'tsked'. He strode over to where a tea pot was sat on a counter in a separate room.

The mess hall was filled with tables that each had six to eight chairs on either side. It was big for a dining hall. But yet for the number of chairs left unacquainted, I guessed that the Survey Corps weren't as popular as I had made them out to be.

The chatter that I had only heard moments before had died, along with my confidence. Many people were looking at me. I didn't want to meet any of their gazes. I cleared my throat and began to walk forward. As soon as I did, I heard whispering of 'who's that?' And 'what is some newbie doing here?' All I wanted to do was shrink and disappear. I haven't been in a room with this many people for a very long time. It had me wigged out.

I had no idea where I was walking until I heard a familiar squeal of excitement.

"(Y/n)! Come sit with me~!" Sang the person with an eyepatch and glasses.

To be completely honest I was relieved that they had called out to me. I was done with the side glances and gossip already.

I quickened my pace to Hange and took a seat beside them anxiously. I sat with my hands on my lap and faced forward.

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