1| Riley

116 7 16

'We regret to inform you, We have decided to take another route. We would love to keep your details on file in case an opportunity is to arise in the future.'

It's always the same outcome, the same ending, different wording. But ultimately leads me nowhere near where I need to be. Rent was due in less the 2 weeks at this point and I haven't made a dent in what I know
The last thing I want to do is show up on my parents doorstep and listen to my father go on about how 'I told you Riley. You aren't cut out for that world ' 

God the thought of that alone is enough to make my stomach churn..

"Hey Roo!" A voice said as I closed my mail bin, I turned to see Hunter walking into the building looking rather smart, for Hunter at least
"Hey Hunt" I smiled as he came over to grab his mail
"I think Eldon beat you to that. He was down here when I got home" I said making Hunter nod as the pair of us headed for the stairs

"What has you dressed up so smart?" I asked, Hunter rolled his eyes before laughing alongside me
"I had an interview, thinking of switching line of work. I don't know" he shrugged
"I thought you loved what you did?" I offered and he nodded
"I do, but I don't know.. The fact it's not my job is mak-" he started before I cut hm off

"The fact it's now work is making you fall out of love with it?" I asked earning the response of a nod 

We got to the third floor where our apartments were opposite each others. It had been like this since I moved in here, I'm pretty sure the boys have practically always lived here
Before either Hunter and I could say another word there was a screaming match happening in his flat 

"I don't know what to fucking do! Do i!" James screamed, I rolled my eyes. That boy has always been an asshole for as long as I can remember. I cannot think of a single good exchange I've had with that boy
It's always smirks, dirty comments or him waltzing in at god knows what time drunk out of his mind 

"I should probabl-" Hunter said making me nod as he started to disappear into the living room
"What the hell is- Why- What?" is all I heard from Hunter before his door came to a close 


It's been a couple of hours since I got home. The boys across the hall had quietened down to a degree. I can no longer hear them with the naked ear but if I open my door I'm sure I'll be able to hear something 
But that is the least of my problems right now 

I picked up my laptop in the hope it would hold some sort of good news, but I should have known that wouldn't be the case 
As I scrolled through emails, I couldn't seem to find anything other then the same shitty words 'We regret to inform you' or 'We've decided to go in another direction'

There are only so many directions you can go and I hate that I seem to be the latter

Sighing in defeat I turned back to the TV watching but also not watching. It was more a space filler then anything else
I've never really been a TV person
Giving up on that, I walked over to the window opening it to sit on the ledge, my favourite perk of this place, my windows look out to the city, I have the handy use of the only fire escape in the building. It allows me to well and truly people watch

I looked down to see the streets still as loud and busy as they usually are. In this place it seems that everyone is always in a rush to get somewhere. Nobody really sits backs and let's whatever happens happen, everyone is always on it like a light bulb

I guess that's one thing I miss about home? I could sit around and let nature takes its course. But not where.. That isn't an option here

"Roo please open up!" Hunter yelled before there were frantic knocks at me door
"Rilessss please" West's voice pleaded making me furrow my brows

In the years I've known the boys, each other them have their own quirks 
West is the weirdest boy you'll ever meet but if he sees one person sitting by themselves bet your ass he'll find a way to include them and if that fails he'll move on to just making them smile 
Hunter has always been someone you can laugh and joke with but you dare do something to someone he loves, you'll be asking for trouble 
Then you have Eldon, he's a sweetheart, he couldn't and wouldn't hurt a fly but if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, any advice, someone to keep you level headed. Eldon's got your back

Which then leaves James. I don't understand how the three of them are even friends with them. they are too different 

James is arrogant, full of himself. There is just something about him, just his presence is enough to ruin my day

"Boys?" I said opening the door, their eyes were frantic and panicked. Only begging the bigger question of what the hell was going on
"We need you help" Hunter said grabbing my arm pulling me out of my flat without giving me a chance to agree
West stood behind me almost as if he was stopping me from doing a runner

"I'm sure you boys are all lovely but can we please not kill me? If you do can you at least ship my body back home? The address-" I started to ramble
"Riles, we aren't going to kill you" West laughed as we got to their flat

The moment they opened the front door we were greeted with a piercing screech of a pair of little lungs only confusing me further
I looked around the room to see James and Eldon stood standing over a little baby in a car seat with their hands over their ears

"Can you get her to stop please" Eldon said while James looked at me. His gaze a lot softer then usual, almost like he was on the verge of giving up. There was no dirty smirk, no scowl nothing 

"What the hell" I whispered to myself 

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