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"really?" lennon asked through the phone as alex washed up the lunch plates. "you're gonna take me to los angeles?"

"wilbur said he could get three tickets for you, me and lucine. she already knows, i just wanted to tell you and make sure you know."

lennon was beyond excited. "thank you so much, i'll tell dad."

"that would be good, len."

as he went to tell their father, lucine scared the living shit out of her best friend. "i'll do dinner dishes as you did lunch dishes." alex thanked her, "did lennon tel your dad yet?"

"he's doing that now." "he said i could go!" lennon excitedly explained. "he said i could go, lexxy."

"i'll tell wilbur later, then. that's awfully good news." alex laughed as she wiped her hands and picked up the phone. she shot wilbur a dm and soon hung up after a conversation with lennon.

"aww, he's gonna meet the family." lucine grinned. alex just nudged her.

"shut up, lucy. we aren't even a thing yet. it's been like a few weeks since we met." she tied up her hair, twirling it. "besides, i don't think we're that close yet."

"define that for me, lex." "we talk! we're friends at most. it would be generous to call us best friends. i've know you for eight years and i've known wilbur for weeks."

"whatever floats your boat, alex." she grinned, taking out the meal kit for the two girls. "by the way, he is okay with us being there?"

"lucy, it's a concert." "how's travel going to work?" "we'll be flying there. lennon'll take a flight and then we catch him and fly together." "okay, just making sure."

"and we'll be staying in a hotel that night and fly out later the next day."

"sweet." the sound of chicken hitting the hot oil created a fizz. "this'll take about ten minutes." lucine explained.

"okay, i'm going to study some more." "break a leg."

alex laughed and shut her door. sitting on her bed, she shot a dm to wilbur through instagram.


"chat, i have something to tell you." alex turned to the camera. "this'll be my last stream for a little. with college work piling up, i'm taking a break."

everyone expressed or conveyed different feelings about this break.

"but you all will be able to see me in la on the third, fourth and fifth of december because i am going to the lovejoy concert. i will have lucine and my brother with me so please don't come up unless we say it's okay?"

people in chat were beyond excited. her 2.5k viewers were spouting excited comments.

"so that's very exciting. now let's play some mcci!"

entering the server, alex ran straight for hole in the wall. "now don't be surprised if i completely beat your asses at this. i am a god who won all three rounds of it in mcc."

finn speaks
oh my god, they're going to the morrocan lounge omg omg

sugar cloud (wilbur soot/quackity)Where stories live. Discover now