Chapter 36

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Has your wolf said anything to you about last night? He asked with a concerned look. Well, the only thing I could get out of her was that her and Bane hunted, mated, and marked each other but that's all. Well, they must have mated good because your scent has changed to that of an he pauses.... Of what? I ask. To that of an expectant female wolf. I look up to Ethan and tears are trickling down his cheeks. So, are we expecting? I ask. Already knowing the answer. Yes, Alyiah we are expecting, he says as he pulls me close. I start to cry too because we needed this, we needed this to bring us together yes, but mating and then now carrying his pups is a blessing like no other. Are you happy? I ask. Very happy, he replies. I couldn't ask for more. Bzzz, Bzzz, Bzzz Ethan's phone starts vibrating. He looks at the caller ID before answering and then answers with a Yes, Alpha. Then replies with a when, why, what caused that, and ok we will leave in the morning. Ethan ends the call and tells me we need to head home tomorrow and that the area isn't safe due to a rogue invasion of five neighboring packs. So, the wolf outside is a .... rogue? I manage to finally gather my words to get out of my mouth. Yes, and right now we need to be cautious so we are sleeping down here tonight in the safe room, and we will leave at dawn. I nod my head in acceptance. We do need to sneak upstairs though and get our stuff ready, follow me he says. We creep upstairs quietly and duck down away from windows we get upstairs safely and Ethan pulls out the suitcases I empty the drawers as he packs our items. I gather the bathroom items into the small backpack we had for extra clothing. We finish the packing and do a double check to make sure we didn't forget anything. Ethan slides against the windows peeking out the cracks along the sides he comes to the last one and says there are six wolves out there and that's just around back. I gasp as if I wasn't frightened enough. How are we supposed to leave at dawn Ethan? I don't know I'm going to mind link your father again when we get to the safe room. At least the SUV is close to the door we can make it? He says. Are you sure? I ask. Yes Alyiah, I promise. Let's sneak back downstairs you need to rest for the trip home. We proceed down the stairs and Ethan motions me to wait on the stairs till he checks the windows and the sliding door to make sure no wolves are looking in them. Come, he says, and I walk quietly to the basement door and open it slightly and go down Ethan follows me a few minutes later after checking the windows and sliding door. How many are there now? Twenty-five from what I saw, he says then adds we are surrounded. We still have a clear path to the SUV let's just hope it stays that way. We get into the saferoom and bolt the door. He makes the bed with the spare linens that are on the shelf, and we get in bed. Ethan pulls me close to him and whispers Alyiah, I will protect you and our pup I promise. I know Ethan there are just so many things that could happen, I whimpered. 

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