Chapter 16

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That's not a lot of planning time, I replied. I understand, but I'm sure we can get everything done Alyiah, my father says. Ok, I want to proceed with the ceremony, but could you please explain it to me a little. The look on my father's face went from serious to a smirk/ grin and he looked at Ethann and I. Alyiah, I'm sorry I keep forgetting you're not familiar with all of this pack business and traditions, he replies. The mating ceremony is basically our version of a human wedding, he replies. So, my dress would be a wedding dress? Yes, it would be, my father clarifies. Angeni starts doing flips in my head. I nod, and say, OK. We all stand, and Ethan and I go to leave. Wait, my father calls out we freeze and turn around to face him. One more thing before you guys leave there are two years in age that separate you, however after the ceremony you will need to mate to consummate your union. Ethan and I look at each other. My father hugs me and steps back then says I understand that this may be scary, but it is our tradition. I understand, I reply. Ethan nods in acceptance as well. My father extends his hand to Ethan and says, take care of each other above all else. Ethan replies, I will protect her with my life and everything I am. Ethan takes my hand and asks if he can walk me to my room. Sure, I'd love that, I reply. On our way out we almost run into our mothers with very angry looks on their faces. Ethan Daniels! Where in the Moon Goddess have you been? Why didn't you tell any of us anything? Mom, Luna I'd be happy to explain everything, however I promised Alyiah that I'd walk her to her room. If you both would like to meet me in the library, I'll explain everything. They give us both an angry look but say ok we will meet you there. Ethan and I walk to my room and then kisses my hand and says, "Goodnight my beloved." I smile and hug him tightly he in turn wraps his arms around me and says we will take it slow if you want I know this whole mating thing has to freak you out. I'm freaking out, but I don't tell him. I just say it will be ok we will get through this together. Ethan smiles at me and says, Yes we will Alyiah. Good Luck with our mom's Alyiah calls out to me with an added I love you. My wolf is driving me crazy wanting to claim Alyiah as his mate. I push Bane to the back of my thoughts which he hates, but tell him he will get to mate with Alyiah soon. He throws a hand up in response and I turn the corner to descend the staircase. I reach the library and enter after I knock to talk to our mothers. Hello, I start. Ethan why have you done all of this ? my mother starts. Mom please will you and Luna please give me a chance to explain? They both nod.

The reason I left was to find out information about the white wolf. Why did you shut out your Alpha? I had to because with being among humans wouldn't go well if they heard me growl or see my eyes change color would it? I ask. No they both answered. However, my time was well spent, I add. My wolf Bane urges me to show them the file. I shake my head, but know he is right. Wait here please, I need to show you something. I leave the library and go to my room to grab the file then head back to the library, but along the way I decide to stop and grab my father and the Alpha. We all return to to the library upon returning I ask everyone to gather at the table I open the file and present what all I found. Alpha starts looking through the file, but pause when he comes to a picture I copied from mystical creatures book. He holds it up and says how is this possible? He turns to my mom then to Luna and my father. The room was silent, but the picture left us all puzzled because the picture was a sketch but not just of any person it was the spitting image of Alyiah, but not Alyiah it couldn't be the photo was clearly old due to the date the Mystical Creatures book was published which was around the 1600's.

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