Chapter 9

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We arrive at the temple around 8:45am and proceed to the entrance. My mother stands on my left and my father on y right Camille and Ethan are behind us. We proceed inside the temple and Camille sits on the left and Ethan takes a seat on the right. My parents and I kneel in front of the statue of the Moon Goddess. My parents start praying to the Moon Goddess the purity prayer after which I say: I, Alyiah Christine Jarvis, accept you Moon Goddess as my creator and Protector. I pledge my whole self to the Mountain Peak Pack. I ask you Moon Goddess for your blessing. A few moments later I felt a touch on my head and I look up to see the Moon Goddess.

She looks at me and says: My child you have come so far and are so beautiful as well as brave. You have a good heart too I see and are very strong. Oh and we must not overlook those special eyes of yours for there has only ever been one other wolf with blue eyes. ME.

My heart fluttered and my parents looked at me as I looked at them. The Moon Goddess lays her hands on my head and asks "My child, do you accept my gifts today?" Yes, I do. I reply. Then I. The Moon Goddess, bestow Angeni and five gifts which will come to you during the next part of the ceremony known as The Gifting. Thank you, Moon Goddess I will treasure her always. Go now Alyiah and receive your abilities. We stand up and proceed out of the temple. Outside its no longer morning but 2:30pm. I look to my parents and say where did we go for five and a half hours? My mother replies with we went to the land of the Moon Goddess, time passes fast there. We get into the SUV and head to the ceremonial grounds in the woods close to the training center. We arrive at the ceremonial grounds and exit the SUV and walk to the alter where I proceed up the steps by myself while my parents, Camille, and Ethan remain at the bottom of the steps. I continue up to the platform and stand in the middle as my parents instructed me. I turn to face my parents, Camille, and Ethan then I feel like I am being lifted into the air. I close my eyes and breathe deeply. I feel a warmness and hear a voice talking to me that sounds like an angel. Hello Alyiah, my name is Angeni. I'm your wolf and I hope to become your best friend. Hi, I reply out loud. Angeni speaks to me and says you don't have to talk I can hear your thoughts just think about what you want to say to me. I stay silent, but use my thoughts to communicate. Hi Angeni, I'm so glad you're my wolf. I'm glad too, she replies. I've been watching you for a long time from the land of the Moon Goddess. I loved watching you play outside, ride your bike, and talk to your friends. You saw all of that? Yes, everything. Do you have any abilities? I asked. Yes, we do it's you and I now. Right, I almost forgot. It's ok it takes a little to get used t. Just know that I produce heat so you'll always feel warm, I will take over automatically if someone trys to harm you, we are special I'll get to that later, and we have heat. The heat is probably the worst part but it's actually related to your cycle in human life. Oh, So it's related to my cycle so what happens? Well it makes you want to have sex with your mate. Oh I get it. Nice to know. Ok Alyiah we will talk about this we have plenty of time. Ok, thank you Angeni. You're welcome. Hey Angeni, is there a meaning to your name? My mother said sometimes your wolfs name has a special meaning. Well, your mother is correct. Angeni means " Spirit Angel" it is a Native American name with a very special meaning. Alyiah, do you know what a spirit angel is?

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