Chapter 15

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Ethan reaches for my hand and brings it to his mouth he places a gentle kiss on the back of my and he hold my hand close to his heart, "Please forgive me Alyiah, I didn't mean to hurt you or make you feel like I didn't want you. I'm just beside myself right now, because I'm eighteen and your sixteen we can't mate yet." he says. So, are you going to reject me? I ask. No, I want you and I want to mate with you, but we need to talk to our fathers about this and we need to hurry because your heat is coming. Plus, I don't want to hurt you we are not normal sized by any means. Have you ever been.... he paused then added never mind. Been what? I asked. Been with anyone? he replied. Are you asking me if I'm a virgin? I responded. Ummm....I guess I am. He says. Yes, I say hanging my head. I never found anyone I wanted to date let alone someone who would give me a second glance or ask me out on a date. So, I decided to save myself for whenever I meet that special someone and he could have all of me and it would be special for both of us, I reply. Are you a virgin Ethan? Ethan looks and me and nods his head then mumbles yes, I am.

We continue walking toward the pack house we didn't talk much more, but I kept seeing Ethan peak at me from my side vision. We reach the edge of the forest and Ethan turns to me. Alyiah, can I hug you? I turn to face Ethan and say "Yes, I've been dreaming about that." He reaches for me and wraps his muscular arms around me I in turn bury my head in his toned chiseled chest which his shirt doesn't hide at all. I inhale his scent deeply and it hits me like nothing I've ever felt. He tilts his head down to mine and says you smell like flowers, jasmine flowers to be specific. Ethan pulls away and takes my chin in his hand and guides my face up to look at him. Alyiah we really need to get back, I nod. Ethan takes ahold of my hand as we finish walking toward the house. We climb the back porch stairs and enter through the back door then we hear well, well, well, aren't we a sight for sore eyes. The voice was unmistakable it belonged to my father, the Alpha. 

Stephen and my father grab Ethan and pull him away from me. "No, don't hurt him!" I scream. He was trying to help me. Help you? my father growls. as his wolf fights for control. He went out into the human world to get information about the legend of the white wolf. My father pauses and spins Ethan around to face him. Is this true? he asks. "Yes, Alpha." he replies. Why? my father growls again. Well, I assume Alyiah has told you all what happened the night of the transformation ceremony, he starts. Yes, she has. Well, I know we don't know much about the legend surrounding the white wolf that's why I left. Stephen grabs Ethan next and asks, then why did you run from Alyiah? Father, I was hoping she was my mate. She is so beautiful and everything I would ever hope to find in a mate. Angeni started to whimper in my head at the sound of those words from Ethan's mouth, he does love us doesn't he she says to me. I believe so, I respond back to her. Ethan continues after a few minutes pause and adds I became upset when she didn't respond to my touch like what I came to expect so I wondered if it might be due to her being a white wolf. So that's why I left I needed answers, well we all kind of need answers right? Ethan looked at my father for a response. "Alpha what are your orders?" Stephen asks. Let him go, my father replies, but adds I want everything you found in the morning by 9am. Very well Alpha, Ethan replies. Ethan you will remain as my Beta providing your information is beneficial as you claim it is, however, I wish to speak to you and Alyiah in my office privately NOW! Ethan takes my hand, and we follow my father to his office. He unlocks the door and motions us to go in then he locks the door back. Sit down both of you, he growls. Ethan sits next to me on the leather sofa in the corner my father sits in a leather armchair facing us on the other side of a black marble coffee table. He leans forward and rubs his head. Ethan, are you going to reject my daughter Alyiah or are you going to accept her as your mate?  Ethan looks at me and then back at my father and replies "Alpha, I want her as my mate." My father then looks at me and asks, Alyiah, do you want Ethan as your mate? I look at Ethan and Angeni is doing circles in my head at the same time, yes, father I do. My father looks to both of us and says, Ethan are you aware of the age difference between you and Alyiah? Yes, Alpha I have spoken to Alyiah about that already, he replies. Alyiah what are your thoughts on this? I didn't really know what to say as my father looked at me, I was scared inside and didn't fully understand the whole mating thing, but I figured I would just ask Ethan about it later, after all he was my mate right? I feel informed and know that even though I am only sixteen we will work through this together. We don't have laws like the human community, however you both will need to go through the mating ceremony. Alyiah, are you ok with proceeding with the ceremony? Yes, father I am. Very well, then I will start getting the preparations underway for the ceremony. Dad, can I ask a question please? My father turns to me and says, yes. When would this ceremony take place? I mumble out. The ceremony would proceed in three days he replies which coincides with the next full moon.  

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