Chapter 19

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 As we approach the store mom pulls into a restaurant because my father's SUV is parked in front of the store. My mother giggled and said watch this. She texted my father and said I see you. A few moments later my father bolts out the door to the store and starts looking around. He finally spots us in the parking lot, and he jogs across the road. He bends down and leans on my mom's side of the SUV and says Wow! An SUV full of beautiful women must be my lucky day. We all bust up laughing, but my mom turns to him and asks did you guys just get here or are you almost done? We are done, Ethan is just looking at something and then whispers in my mom's ear to which she gives a surprised look to. I better head back in he says. Hey dad, I yell. Yeah, he responds. Can you please have that jeweler measure Ethan's finger please? Yep, sure can, he says before jogging back across the street and into the shoppe. We wait patiently and my mom looks at her watch. I look over at her and ask if she is ok. She says, yes, I'm ok, but I'm starving. We were all supposed to meet here for the rehearsal dinner tonight. She looks at her watch again and then sends a text to my father and says hurry up in there! My father texts back saying exiting now about that time Ethan, my father, and Stephen come out of the shoppe with 3 bags of stuff. Good golly what all did they buy? I exclaim. My father sends another text reminding us about dinner and to have me chose a groom's gift. My mom texts ok and then we get out of the SUV and head across the street to the jewelry shoppe. We get in the shoppe, and I gasp followed by Camille and my mom. There are so many cases of jewelry in here plus they have shelves of collectibles on the other side. I look at mom and say I could literally spend a small fortune in here. She chuckles and we approach the counter. Good afternoon, ladies, how can I help you? The salesman asks. I respond with yes there were three gentlemen in here I need the size of the guys finger you measured. I also need to choose a wedding ring for him and a groom's gift. Sure, no problem our men's rings are right this way. We follow him down the counters and around the corner. Do you have a certain metal type you are looking for? I'm not a big fan of silver and I'd like it to be durable, I reply. Ok, well let's see then these down here are in our $200-$300 range and are our best sellers. The next section is $400-$600 range but very durable. I get to looking at the different rings and spot a combination band. It has a darker metal and what looks like wood also. Can I look at that one please? I ask. Which one dear? The one in the upper corner that looks like it had wood in it. Sure, let me get it out for you. He unlocks the case and reaches in and grabs the display tray. He picks it up and hands it to me. The metal feels cool on my skin. I communicate with Angeni. Do you think our mate would like this? I ask rolling it in between my fingers and looking at the design on the band. I do, she replies. I think he would love it and it would remind him of our nature. I look at my mom and ask for her opinion as well. She looks at me and says, I think he will love it. I hand the ring to the clerk and ask if he has it in his size. I'll go check; he replies. The clerk head through the door marked stock room. I wonder over to the shelves to look around for a groom's gift. There are a lot of unique items and old items if I must say. I come to a wall case and look at the items on it. I spot a pocket watch that is golden with an entwined vine detail around it. The clerk comes back up and I walk back to the counter. Here you go he says. He hands me a ring box and I open it. It's the ring I want for him, I gasp. I love it I whisper. Ok well on to a groom's gift; he says. I speak up and ask to see the pocket watch on the wall shelf. Sure, he says as he grabs his keys. I walk with him over to the shelf and he opens the case. He hands me the pocket watch and I open it. The detail is exquisite with the entwined vines on the front to the numbers inside. Angeni speaks up in my head and says it's beautiful our mate will love it. I hand the pocket watch to the clerk and say we will take it. The clerk looks at me and says, good choice. We walk back to the counter, and he rings everything up. My eyes drop at the cost, but mom swipes the credit card again and the clerk wraps the items and bids us good luck for tomorrow. We leave the shoppe and walk to the SUV and put the ring inside but take the gift with us into the restaurant. Mom points to a car in the lot oh look Ethan's mom Kendra made it. My nerves started to build knowing that my future husband, and his parents were in the restaurant waiting for us. We walk in the restaurant and the greeter checks us in then walks us to the private dining room. 

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