Chapter 12

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I awaken in the early morning hours and I'm back in my room, but I know I fell asleep outside. As I awaken, I notice a white sheet wrapped around me, but I disregard it thinking it was probably my parents that brought me in the house. I sit up on the edge of my bed and communicate with Angeni. "Hey are you awake?" I ask. Yep, I've been awake all night I don't sleep much I rest throughout the day when you're not in wolf form. Oh, that makes sense. I reply. So, do you know who brought me up here? I ask. Yes, Angeni replies. Who was it? My father? Nope, My mother? Nope, Stephen? Nope, Miss Davis? Nope, ok well I give I'm going to go shower. Do you want to know? Nope don't care. I just want to shower and eat I'm starving. I shift myself to the side of the bed and unwrap myself from the sheet leaving it on the bed. I look down at my body and I seem more tone overall. Is this from me shifting? I ask. Yes, Angeni replies. I head to my closet and look through the sundresses before finally deciding on a light purple one I take out some underwear and a strapless bra as well and then grab my favorite sandals from the shoe rack. I exit the closet and shut the door with my foot and walk to the bathroom. I sit everything on the shelf by the toilet and turn on the water. I grab a towel and sling it over the shower door which is like a sliding closet door. The water feels good on my tense muscles as I soak in its warmth. As I stand in the shower images of last night flood my thoughts as do questions about why I didn't feel what normal wolves feel when they find their mates or the strange smells everyone always talks about. For males scenting females its usually a floral or fruity scent and for females scenting males it is a wood, forest or musk smell, I unfortunately had none of that. Although Angeni stated she felt warmth, protection, safety, and comfort I started to think something was wrong with me. I needed to talk to my mom about this, I'm so confused right now. I finish my shower and get dressed then comb my long hair and braid it into a side braid then I weave a piece of purple lace that matches my dress through it.

I head downstairs and hear my parents talking to Ethans parents about him. What do you mean he didn't show up? Where is he? We don't know Alpha and Luna. Someone I don't care who someone find him NOW!! my father shouts and lets out a low thunderous growl. Yes, Alpha and Luna. They both nod and walk out the front entrance. I continue down the stairs and my parents greet me with a good morning as always but add how did you sleep? Really good apparently, I start then say because someone carried me inside the house and up to my bedroom. So, someone carried you in the house? they reply. Yes, they did. Well, let's go see who our mystery person is we have cameras, my father says.

I follow my parents down a hallway and through a couple of zigzags and then we come to a steel door with a keypad and sign that reads security office. My father punches in the code and we all enter. There are literally cameras everywhere. Even in my room. I look at my father and ask if we can please disconnect camera 12 which covers my bedroom. He shakes his head no, but adds I suggest if you want to get dress use the bathroom. I nod and say ok well, so much for this morning and all the other times then. My parents chuckle at that and say ok I guess if we find nudity, we can delete those parts. My father started reviewing the footage and sure enough there was a scene from this morning with me getting up and taking off the sheet walking nude through my room. See dad, I told you. Ok, he responded I agree that's too revealing and he hit the delete section button we reviewed further, and we finally get back to the nighttime footage and sure enough there is someone walking past the cameras in the front room, then the hallway, then up the stairs, and down to my room all the while carrying me. The person keeps their head down and their hood up as we are assuming they are aware of the cameras. We watch a little further and bingo there is our mystery person none other than Ethan Daniels.

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