Chapter 22

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Everyonestarts clapping as Kendra and my mom put a sash on me that reads Bride to Be,and a small crown attached to a wedding veil. I take a seat and my mom startshanding me gifts. I open them and they are all so beautiful, even though mostof them are lingerie, there are still a few household items as well. One of thegifts is from my parents which is a photo album that I will always treasure. Everyoneis so inviting except the twins. Melanie, Jessica, and Katie are all my age andwill be attending school with me. Hey Jessica, I ask who are those girls overthere? She turns slightly and says you mean the ones against the wall pointingat everyone and smirking. Yeah them, I reply. That's Bri and Tanya they aretwins and if I may add ones to stay away from, she replies. Oh, well that's goodto know thanks for the warning. No problem that's free advice, she repliesbefore excusing herself to mingle with other guests. Mom walks over to me andasks, "Are you having fun?" Yes, I reply. I was talking to a few girls that willbe in classes with me this fall. I seen that she replies. Then with a whispershe asks if Jessica warned me about the twins. Yes, she said they are ones tostay away from. I reply. She's right but we can discuss that later. I nod inacceptance. Mom gives me a nudge and says go mingle with your friends. I walkthrough the crowd and meet a few other female pack members and thank everyone Isee for the gifts and for their support. I walk over to a group where Katie andJessica are and start talking to them. Hello Alyiah, a voice from behind mesays. I turn to find one of the twins and Jessica and Katie turn around also. Angeniperks up in my head and starts growling don't trust her she warns. So, shestarts. You're marrying Ethan tomorrow? Yes, I reply. Trying to not let the crudenessin her voice intimidate me. You don't seem overjoyed? Having second thoughtsbecause you are so young? She sneers. Jessica and Katie speak up almost simultaneouslyand say shut up Bri. Angeni tries to come forward, but I push her back. No, I'mnot having second thoughts....umm...what's your name? "Oh, I'm Bri", she replies.Well Bri, no second thoughts here. I reply then add I'm clear on what I want nomatter what my age is. How could you know what you want, your just a pup withno experience, she chuckles. My mother over hears the conversation as it hasgotten quite loud and is now catching the attention of others at the partyincluding Tanya which is now at her sister's side. My mother strolls up besideme and lets out a deep warning growl. Luna my apologies but I'm just statingthe obvious she has no experience she's only 16, she says with a smirk. Tanyaof course gasps and says Oh virgin here and starts pointing at me. My mom givesanother growl and takes a step forward. Then a woman's voice shouts over thecrowd. Bri! Tanya! The crowd separates and the twins turn toward where thecrowd has parted. A woman with a thin frame and long platinum hair is standingat the door with her hand on her right hip. What the hell are you two doingnow? She asks. The woman walks toward us, and I notice mom straighten up and alow growl in her throat tells me she has a conflict of interest with thiswoman. Luna, Alyiah I apologize for these two. Ryna, my mother nods. Apologyaccepted, please escort your daughters out I will not have that kind ofdisrespect in our pack. I could tell my mother was trying to hold back her wolfwith everything she had, but it wasn't working due to the fact that she hadformed claws. Angeni was fighting me for control too, however I was able to keepher at bay with my mom at my side. Ryna escorted her daughters out of the partybut not before a long hard and cold look was exchanged between my mother andher. I made a mental note to ask mom about that later too if she didn't happento bring it up. My mother looked at me and said I hate to ask but can we shutthe party down? We really need to talk. I nodded and walk to the DJ and grabthe microphone. Good evening everyone, I, Luna of the Mountain Peak Pack wouldlike to thank everyone for your gracious gifts and time for making this eveningspecial for my daughter Alyiah. (I joined my mom on stage at this time) howeverwe have a big day tomorrow with the mating ceremony joining Alyiah and Ethantomorrow. We therefore need to say good night and end our evening. I ask forthe microphone and add a thank you of my own and the fact that I met some newfriends this evening. I hand the microphone back to the DJ who starts cleaningup his stuff. I then join my mom at the bottom of the steps with Camille. 

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