Chapter 34

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We explore further into the cave after concealing the exit more. We ended up finding a small, concealed area off of a tunnel branch. My anxiety didn't really kick up since we have already done sexual activities, however Ethan did warn me through our mind link that Bane can be somewhat more aggressive than him. I took his words into consideration, but Angeni just snickered and said she would tame him then she did a few circles and then she sat down and started wagging her tail. I shook my head and said I guess we will see about that. Ethan and I decide to turn control over to Bane and Angeni for the night and retreat to the back of their minds. Angeni, what would you like to do tonight Bane asked with a small nudge of his snout. I don't know actually what do you recommend Bane? Well, we could do a little hunting then try some other stuff later. Other stuff? I repeat. I nod and we take off to hunt down by the stream, so we head down the small slope and slowly creep up on some bushes we wait for a little bit but not long because two deer show up Bane communicates to me to ready myself to pounce. I do and he tracks around behind me he pushes his head slightly through the bushes and waits. NOW! I pounce out and he does too, and we both tackle the deer on the left. We share the deer on the edge of the stream. We return back to the cave reconceal the entrance and then begin walking to the place we will spend the night. Angeni, are you scared of me? No, Bane I'm not. Then answer me this is Alyiah scared of Ethan. No, she is just unaware and unsure of what to expect from all of this. I can tell you Bane that she does love him very much. She is very grateful for everything he is doing to help her adjust to this new part of her. She thinks about a family and wants a family with Ethan. Angeni we can give that to them all of it. How do you feel about me Angeni? Bane, I think you are a loving, strong, and handsome wolf. You make me feel safe and like I belong. What do you think of me Bane? Well, I'm not good with words but do you care if I show you? I shake my head no and he walks toward me as I take a breath. Tell me what you want Angeni, I want to please you. Bane I'm yours to do with as you wish. I reply. Angeni, I want to mate with you and mark you so we will be one finally. Bane, are you going to impregnate me? I ask shyly. If that is what you wish, I will. I would like that Bane, I reply. Very well my love. Bane nuzzles up to my neck and inhales my scent and I lower to the ground submitting to him. I roll onto my back so that he can prepare me. Bane starts my licking my entrance sending electrical pulses through my body like nothing I've ever imagined. Bane comes closer to me and in one thrust he enters me fully filling me up with his manhood he enters in and out of me and then whispers now me need to lay here for a bit. You may feel some burst of fluid this is my seed entering you. I'll lay here with you and hold you and as the bursts come, we can mark each other is that ok? I nod and add a yes. The electrical pulses continue and soon I feel the bursts starting and Bane asked if he could mark me now. I nuzzled me snout into him and turned my neck slightly giving approval. Bane didn't waste time though when the next burst hit, he sank his teeth in me marking me as his, so I returned the favor with the next burst. We remain tied here together for about three hours or so as the end nears Bane releases one last burst of seed within me and holds me close. One las electrical pulse surges through me and Bane and I climax together. Bane releases his manhood from me and cleans me off. We curl up and drift off to sleep in each other's arms.

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