Something in me was telling me that maybe LH was actually a girl, dad never talked about them much, but he spent most of his time down there mainly with them and it made me curious if maybe he was beginning to get over mum.

I hated that idea though, mum wasn't someone you could just get over with another girl, that wasn't her. Mum was special, or she had been special.

I took a deep breath as I played with Lukes hand moving his fingers around casually as I entertwined mine with his.

It wasn't bad to just let my mind rest and for me to just have a little fun while I had him here. Luke didn't seem to mind and that helped me in ways.

He gave my hand a gentle squeeze as he went forward to kiss my cheek again. It felt like something wet was on his cheek as it brushed against mine. It was wet and warm, and it surprised and startled me.

"Luke are you crying?" I asked confused letting my hand touch his cheek to see that indeed there was water on it ones that must have been left from crying.

"No love that's from you." He told me hastily and I thought about it, robots couldn't cry so why would he lie to me about this? It was more than likely from my recent spasm attack and they just ended up on Luke somehow.

It wasn't anything I should worry about. I felt him bring his hand up to his face to wipe them away quickly probably to make sure that they wouldn't ruin his skin or somehow get into wiring or anyting else that could be fatily dangerous.

"What time is it?" I asked him knowing he would have a better idea than I would.

"Almost six, I have to get ready soon. The warm ups and testing will take most of the day so we have to leave early." He responded in a soft tone, he moved me over so I would be laying on my back as he propped himself up on his elbow to get a better look of my face.

"You are just so beautiful." He mused and I smiled at that. "Especially in the morning when you have no make up on and you have bed head."

I covered my face with the sheet and he chuckled pulling it back down out of my face. His eyes were on mine as his face was closer to me.

"I love it." He seemed to be sincere about it and his face moved closer.

His lips hovering over mine and I gulped not knowing if I was ready to kiss him. I've been kissed before by quite a few boys but this seemed different almost to intimate.

"I have morning breath." I covered my mouth to keep from breathing in his face as he rolled his eyes.

"Fine I'll just kiss you every where else." He told me simply, I was confused at first until he ripped the blanket off of me, and went to my thighs.

"Um Luke?" I breathed out fidgeting but he steadied me as he started to kiss up from my knee to my hip casually going over the base of my underwear as I let out a shiver. Then he moved to my other leg, the one that I had done a number on last night.

"Shh be quiet I am trying to kiss your scars and you're ruining the moment." With that I stopped talking as my smile let my face at this. I had never got my scars kissed so this was the first, even though he was just kissing the scars it made something in me change. This wasn't like anything I've ever experienced.

I braced myself for the pain that would come from him kissing the fresh wounds but it never came as his lips touched each one slowly, softly and lovingly until he reached my other hip.

Then his hands trailed up the inside of my shirt as he pulled it up to my chest, I couldn't see really but I think he could. Even with the small glint of morning light coming in from my window I could just barely make him out.
"Don't I'm fat." I interjected but he put his finger to my mouth quieting me.

As his lips went down to the bottom of my stomach he kissed each one carefully, his hands carressing my thighs and then going to my stomach softly rubbing it for a second.

"So beautiful, you are beautiful, your legs are beautiful, your stomach is beautiful, your arms are-" He grabbed my uninjured one and started to kiss it every where and than he continued speaking. "your face is, your eyes-" He pulled himself so he was on top of me but making sure to not put his weight fully on me as he moved to my face as he kissed my cheeks and forehead, and my chin and nose, then my eyes. "Your lips."

Then his lips were on mine, soft and subtle but pleading and full of need, I couldn't help but fall into the kiss.
My hands went up to the back of his head as I started to pull at his hair as he deepened it. He didn't taste like metal, or rubber, he tasted human, with a peppermint after affect.

Something about him was different, he felt more like a human. My hands cupped his cheeks which seemed to be softer and protray a warmness that didn't seem mechanical.

His lips were warm and soft like human lips were suppose to be with an urgency that had me wanting more. Then I noticed something else that has been ebbing at the base of my head something that I wasn't sure if I was imagining or if it was actually real.

I pulled back from the kiss as he licked my lips for entrance, and he let out a soft groan as I tried to find his eyes in the darkness.

"Luke do you have a heartbeat?" It was quiet and he seemed to be unwilling to talk as I waited for his answer.

"Nexia don't be ridiculous a robot having a heart beat that is prepostourios." Luke shook off my question with a forced laugh as he pulled himself up quickly and off the bed. I glanced at where he seemed to be pacing back and forth in the room.

"I have to go love. I'll see you soon." He spoke quickly not waiting for an answer from me as he all but ran to the door, and opened it and then bounded out the door and it slammed shut making me jump.

He seemed to be in a hurry after I had asked him that question almost as if he was hiding something. It was just a simple question and something was off about it all.

I sat there for a few minutes trying to process what was just thrown my way. I don't know why but I think he was lying to me. I think he did have a heart beat, because I could feel it rapidly beating when he laid behind me.

I could feel it and the warmth that fell off of him. And with the tears the more I thought about it the longer I think they were his because I don't ever remember rubbing my face to his or having any way of rubbing our faces because I was turned around.

Could he actually be turning human?

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