10 • Thoughtful

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"Sorry, Mama. Did I wake you?" Aurelia cringes. My eyes follow her skittish voice where she's snuggled up on the couch next to mine.

How did I get here?

Her small hands clutch the TV remote and she eyes me with her large, adorable green eyes in worry. She's in the black top and khaki, belted shorts I dressed her in this morning but her brown hair is braided in the Luca Armani fashion.

"No, baby. You didn't," I smile at her pure heart and she exhales in relief.

Yes, it's true she's my troublemaker. She's the rebel out of all of them but, thankfully, her heart is not all black. It's white.

"Come here," I beckon her over, lifting up the blanket so there's enough space for her to squeeze in. Aurelia jumps out from her seat and the small pads of her feet beat against the floorboards as she walks over to me.

"What if I...hurt the baby?" She plays with the end of her braid, nervously.

"You won't," I reassure her, patting my belly, "the baby's basically in a balloon. It's protected."

She squints her eyes in thought, just like Luca does when he's considering something. Then, she gives in and nestles up next to me on the couch. I coddle her like she's my precious, baby bird.

She is. All my children hold a special place in my heart.

"Where's everyone?" I ask.

She pauses her TV show and responds, "Papa took Ari into the pool so he's upstairs giving her a bath now. And Cello, Carlos and Gigi are in the kitchen baking cookies with Uncle Oak."

Arabella is in her terrible twos and when Luca is home, he is only her father. No one else's. He's not even my husband.

Carlos's young mind is in its exploring phase hence he has a tendency to try new things. Besides, he adores his Uncle Oak's creative side.

Gianna loves sweet things, thanks to Marco who's introduced her baby teeth to every dessert out there. I told him that her dentist appointments are his responsibility.

And I know Marcello is watching them, waiting for the first batch to be done so he can bring the fresh cookies to me. He's been overly caring to me ever since I told the kids I was pregnant, again. He won't even let me walk up the stairs without holding his hand.

He is exactly like his father who wouldn't let me do my own bed when I was pregnant with him.

"Didn't you want to go?" I query.

She shakes her head, "I wanted to stay here with you so you're not lonely."

I love Aurelia but she'd only do that if it benefitted her in any way. My eyes flit to the TV and I declare, "or you couldn't stop binge-watching Miraculous."

Her small cheeks burn bright red and she's quick to defend herself, "I love you Mom but Ladybug and Catnoir were about to reveal their identities, for the millionth time! I had to carry on watching!"

That sounds more like her.

I laugh, kissing her on her red cheek, "it's okay, honey."

"Lia, if you touch these, I will-," Marcello runs into the room with a plate in hand and freezes when he sees me in bewilderment, "Mom, you're awake?"

Suddenly, he narrows his grey eyes at Aurelia, "you woke her up, didn't you?"

"No I didn't!" She shouts back at him. I groan, resting a hand on my forehead because these two never stop arguing.

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