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"You know the plan, right? Go over it one more time," Marco pushes for the millionth time. He's been very persistent in telling Raina the truth about what happened and today is that day.

I sigh, "yes, Marco. Raina's going to come to be interviewed to work as a care worker at the orphanage. I'll wait for your message, leave the room and you'll, coincidentally, wander in."

"And..." he trails on, waving his hands in an ongoing gesture.

"After two minutes, I'll walk back in," I roll my eyes at the words I've repeated so many times that I'm sure I'll dream them.

"Two minutes is too soon," he squints at the ceiling in thought, holding a hand to his chin, "wait three minutes. That's better. And don't be worried about the shouting at first. She's mad at me."

A sudden current of exhaustion washes over my body and I yawn, "can we not do this another day? I'm tired. I just wanna stay in bed."

"We mustn't! This is an urgent matter that needs to be dealt with immediately. Immediately!" He exclaims stomping his foot dramatically.

"Mhm," I hum, my eyes shutting on their own accord and snuggling up against the black, leather couches. I asked Luca if we could get suede couches in here because these are cold to the touch and he said no because blood will stain. Instead, he bought throws to put on them so they'll be warmer to sit on.

"You slept with Lucas again!" He suddenly gasps, jumping in the seat next to me. I don't say anything but tiredly rest my head against the back of the couch.

"Oh, my Rose. It's okay," Marco grabs my head placing it on his chest and stroking my hair, "sex is a beautiful beautiful thing. It's the expression of two bodies merging as one in a moment of thrill and satisfaction."

Oh God.

He sniffles loudly, "it can hurt at first but it'll get better. The most important thing is to do it with someone who cares about you. With someone who doesn't just want you for your body."

As if Luca is only with me for my body. I can't even give him any children.

My throat becomes a little clogged and I don't have the words nor capability to reply back to him. Suddenly, Marco shoots up after checking his phone.

"Ooh, she'll be here any minute now," he smoothes down my braid, "so, put your cheery face on and act like she's actually here for an interview."

I rub the dark circles under my eyes, "who said she isn't?"

"You're actually thinking of hiring her?" His brown eyes widen in excitement and his voice rises an octave.

When Raina moved back here, she didn't have a choice but to get the same job at the club her mom used to work for, as a pole dancer. Marco saw her the other day and when he brought that up to me, I knew I had to get her out of there.

And he's very persistent for her to know the truth. It'd be good for them if she gets to see Marco for the man he is now.

"Yeah, I want to help her," I reply, blowing a breath on my glasses and cleaning them with the blanket, "and it'll help you two, wouldn't it?"

Marco's features fill with elation and he pulls me into a sudden bear hug, "yes, yes, yes. I love you, Rose."

I shriek from the rash action but laugh, patting his back, "I love you too."

Suddenly, the doorbell rings and shocks us apart. I check the camera through my phone to see Raina. She's wearing an oversized, beige Nike sweater and a black mini skirt with sheer, mesh tights. Her long, black hair is as straight as a pin and drapes down her back.

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