5 • Concerned

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Of course I knew she was a serial killer.

And frankly, I don't care. It doesn't mean much to me that she's different from when we met. It doesn't change anything except deepening my attraction to her.

The only thing it shows is that she's mentally unwell. And, after everything she's been through because of that man, I don't blame her.

However, I also don't fault her for not telling me. That rope binding us apart in fear has been let go. We both feared the same thing; the other leaving. Now, at least she knows I'll never leave her. And I know that she won't leave me.

I can finally let go. I can finally rest. We both can.

I lean back in my chair, waiting in my office for her to come home. Berkely, her driver, called me about half an hour ago saying that she's been drinking and he dropped her off at the graveyard where Marco will pick her up.

Obviously, I know what that means.

When you join this killer trek, it's like the process of a bomb.

The ticking starts. The more and more you kill, the longer the timer gets extended but the faster the seconds start to go by. Then, the seconds run out and the bomb goes off. You go off. You start to go mad. And the only thing that can stop it is restarting the timer.

She's restarted her timer.

Rosa has been through a lot, tonight. Within the past two hours, she told me she's a serial killer, figured out who helped murder our son and confronted her sister. I'm guessing Calla's betrayal was too hard for her to cope and the timer just malfunctioned.

The security at the gate notifies me that she's here. I stand, strolling over to the doorway and leaning my forearms on the frame. My office is in the lobby and on the left of the front door so she'll see me straight away.

A minute passes until the black door opens and her small figure steps in. Her eyes catch mine as she kicks off her boots and I smirk, "I heard someone's been a bad girl."

Rosa tries to compress her weak smile and runs her eyes, slowly, over my body. She darts her head to the side, covering the small blush on her cheeks with her hair. She's fucking adorable.

I do the same to her. I can't help it. Whenever she's around, my eyes just can't get enough of her. The black, mini dress hugs her body and her soft legs are on display. Blood pumps to my cock and I grip the frame harder to get ahold of myself.

"I did what we initially planned," her voice is monotone and my heart sighs at the hurt she's suppressed.

"You didn't...?" I trail off not wanting to say the words she already knows.

"No. I felt like it but she didn't deserve that. I took away everything from her. Now, let's hope she goes running in that direction we want," she explains, pulling her hair out of its rough ponytail and massaging her scalp.

We came up with a plan on how we were going to handle this but I said to her, if it puts your heart at ease, kill her. She didn't seem fazed by my words and simply kissed me on the cheek.

Rosa shrugs and her black coat slips like silk down her naked arms. It's a deadweight when it hits the floor and I subtly suck in a slick breath. She brushes her soft, copper waves behind her shoulders, deliberately, lingering on the smooth skin of her sharp collarbone.

My grip tightens the more I restrain myself when she strides over to me and it doesn't help that her floral smell has invaded every part of my body. The heat from her rushes through my body, now gushing blood to my cock and heart.

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