The Apology (Part 2)

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After apologizing to his fans, this time Y/n was going to apologize to Subaru.

He was at Subaru's doorstep right now. And with 5 knocks the door opens, there stood Subaru. Her cheek having a small bandage.

"Oh........ what did you want Y/n?"

"I, wanted to apologize........."

"Oh you don't need to, I know that you weren't in the best of conditions when you got mad at me. But it's ok, you don't need to apologize."

And with that Subaru tries to close the door but Y/n uses his foot to stop it.

"No you don't understand. I know you're hurt right now, so please."

Y/n says as he bows down.

"I'm sorry Subaru........ I don't want our friendship to end, nor do I want it to be tampered by my attitude."

"*sigh* This is the reason I didn't want you to apologize. Come on, stop bowing, you looks really stupid right now."

"S-So? Do you accept my apology?"

"Of course I do, but first. I want you to kiss me."

With the word "kiss", Y/n stumbles and nearly falls down.


"Oh don't think of it like that. Remember the times where we use to give each other kisses? Sui-chan even named it, "the kiss of friendshi-".

"S-Stop....... It's embarrassing now that we're adults."

"Hey! I'm still 12 at heart!"

"Yeah, yeah."

Y/n then hugs Subaru and gives her a kiss on the cheek.

"There, happy?"

"Yep! Just make sure Suisei doesn't know, she'll kill us both."

"Yep, I'm aware."

As Y/n was about to go, Subaru tells him something.

"Also, apologize to Lui. She heard everything."

Y/n stops with the word "everything".

"Wait, what? What do you mean she heard everything?"

"She heard what you said."



Y/n was currently waiting for Lui outside the cafeteria.

"Alright! Thanks Watame-senpai-"

Lui stops as he spots Y/n by the door.

"Hey Lui. Do you have time?"

"What? What do you mean? What happened?" Lui says as she tries to hide the fact that she's hurt.

"Please, don't act like you don't know. I know you heard what I said to Subaru."

"What? What do you mean I hea-"

"Stop trying to deny it, please."

"Bu-" Lui couldn't even say a word as she gets interrupted.

"I'm sorry for what I said......."

Y/n says as he puts his head down.

"P-Please, don't apolo-"

"No. It was my mistake. At this point I could never be a proper father. Nor could I be a proper partner. We night not have romantic feelings for each other (Oh you will soon.), we still need to raise Washi to be a proper kid."

Y/n then bows down.

"So please, forgive me. I know I hurt you but please, it's for Washi's sake. Not mine."

A few seconds of silence pass, Y/n was about to take this as a failure of an apology until.

"I forgive you."

"Wait, what? I thought y-"

Unexpectedly Lui hugs Y/n causing him to blush a bit.

"I know Washi will grow up to be a good man, especially since he has a father like you."


Y/n was currently continuing his house stream today.

"So this is my room, as you can see my PC isn't here but all of my Playstations are he- oh wait you guys, hey Washi! Come here."

Washi did as instructed and went to Y/n, Y/n carried him on his shoulders and introduced him to his stream.

"So guys, this is Washi. Washi say hi."

(Y/n speaks to Washi using japanese, but he speaks to his fans using English.)


Y/n's chat immediately spammed words such as "KAWAII" and "I'm dead, thank you foreva".

Suddenly the doorbell rings. Indicating somebody is at the gate,

"I'll get it!" Lui says.

"Oh thank's Lui!"

As Y/n continued his house tour with Washi on his arms he hears something hitting the ground hard outside.

"Damnit. Must be those damn stray cats again. Washi go to my room, make sure you finish you drawing alright?"

"Yes papa!"

Washi says as he runs upstairs.

"Alright so let's scare off the cats you guys!"

Y/n opens the door as he gets his airsoft gun.

"Take this y-"

But instead of cats. It was something far worse.


Lui was on the ground with a knife on her abdomen. And standing over her was a stranger with a hood holding white flowers.



The stranger runs away, but as for Y/n he was still frozen shut.


Well this took a gruesome turn. :)

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