Bonding Time (Mumei & Calli Part 2)

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After a few minutes Y/n and Mumei arrived at the car dealership. They saw Calli sitting on a bench, but she was getting hit on by 3 men.

Y/n: *sigh* Mumei stay here.

Mumei: A-Alright.

Y/n got out of the car and approached the 3 men menacingly.

Y/n: Hey Calli!

Calli looked at Y/n direction and so did the 3 men.

Guy 1: Huh? Whose this? Your boyfriend?

The first man said.

Calli just stood there silently.

Y/n: Sorry guys but were in a hurry.

Y/n said grabbing Calli's hand.

But one of the 3 men put a hand on his shoulder.

Guy 3: We don't care if you're her boyfriend so get lost if you don't want to get hurt.

Y/n: Oh I should say that to you actually.

Y/n said with a smile, he then lifted his shirt revealing a gun.

All 3 of them were shook and were speechless. They then had a face of horror. While Calli on the other hand just stared at Y/n's abs.

Guy 2: Ah sorry! We're gonna go now!

All 3 of them ran away faster than Usain Bolt.

Y/n then sighed again he then looked at Calli. He caught her staring at his now covered abs.

Y/n: If you want I could take my shirt of so you could have a better view.

Calli: W-What? I wasn't looking at anything.

Y/n: Are you sure? Cause my I eyes caught you staring.

Little did they know Mumei pictured Calli staring at Y/n's abs.

Mumei: Hehe I have some teasing and blackmail material now.

Y/n and Calli then entered the car.

Calli: S-So where to next?

Y/n: Well since it's 1:30 now and we didn't have lunch yet I was thinking of going to a friends cafe bar.

Mumei: Is it near?

Y/n: Yeah it's actually just behind the the National Art Center.

Calli: Oh so it's just nearby.

Y/n: Yeah, so lez go.

Mumei and Calli nodded in reply..

Y/n then drove behind the national Meseum. There stood a 2 story building. It had the name.


The 3 exited the car. They then approached the entrance to see it closed.

Calli: Wait it's still closed.

Y/n: Oh don't worry. I know the Owner.

Y/n entered the bar. There stood on the counter a orange haired man with different colored eyes.

???: Ah sorry but were still clo- wait Y/n?

Y/n: Sup Yuko!

Roberu: What are you doing here?

Y/n: What else? I heard your bar is now a cafe at the day and a bar at night.

Roberu: That's right so you're eating?

Y/n: Yeah I brought guests.

Calli and Mumei entered.

Roberu: Ah so those are your gue- wait! They're from Hololive!

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