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Y/n: So what are the teams?

Subaru: How about...... Me, You and Sui-chan vs Towa, Korone and Botan.

Korone: Sounds good.

Towa: I second that.

Y/n: Guess the teams are set.

The 2 teams went to their respective side.

Suisei: So whi gets the ball first.

Y/n: I have a coin. We can do a coin flip to decide who gets the first possession.

Botan: Sure, I pick tails.

Y/n: Then I pick heads.

Y/n flips the coin and catches it. He then slaps it on his wrist.

The coin turns out to be tails.

Y/n: Damn.

Botan: Hehe.

They both got to their respective sides. Korone was the first one to serve.

Towa: You can do it Korone!

Korone slapped the ball. But it ended up hitting Towa's head instead of the floor.

Towa: What the was that for!

Korone: S-Sorry.


Korone: Stop laughing.

Subaru: S-Sorry.....

Y/n: Suisei you serve.

Suisei: Alright.

Suisei does the same thing Korone did except with more power. It went pass Botan hitting the ground behind her.

Korone: Come on Botan they got 1 point already.

Botan: Sorry it's the ping.

Korone: Ping? This is real life not a video game.

Botan: By ping I meant the ping from my brain to my arms. They take longer since Im taller than you.

Korone: Oh......

After a while of slapping the ball Botan's team called a timeout. The score was 16-0.

Botan: Come on guys what are you doing!

Korone: Sorry it's just we cant score because of Y/n......

On Y/n's team

Y/n: You guys are doing great! I haven't even jumped yet.

Subaru: How about on the next play you try to score.

Y/n: What.

Suisei: I mean you just stand there defending while we score. Plus I swear you weren't a Libero, you were a wing spiker if I remember.

Y/n: It's just that....... I feel sorry for them. And them being down 16-0 makes it worse.

Suisei: Just a few points, I want to see you jump for old times sake.

Subaru: Same here.

Y/n: Ok fine.

They went back into the court where Botan's team was already waiting.

Subaru was serving. She did a jump serve which surprised Y/n. Korone received it, Towa set the ball for Botan who spiked the ball. But despite her efforts Y/n received it with no difficulty. Subaru then set it for Y/n but it was to high.

Subaru: Oh no it's to high.

But surprising everyone Y/n jumped so high that his head was at the same height as the ball. His hand was about to make contact but..... he was leaning towards the net which resulted in him going over the net.

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