Pro Gamer Move

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(I feel bad for doing what I did to Y/n on my DMC book.......)

It was now 8:30 the next day.

Y/n was now holding a plastic bottle of white liquid.

Y/n: Man there's so much. Let's see how much? Holy shit 100 ml? The thickness level is about 7.......... Not bad little guy, this was one of the biggest since 2 months ago.

Y/n slowly emptied the bottle on his sink, he then threw the plastic bottle on the trash can.

But as he stood up his suddenly fell down clutching his head.

Y/n: Goddamit. Fuck you Nero!

(If you've read my DMC book then you'll know)

Y/n: Ok stop advertising you DMC book!

Psycho: *Gasp* How dare you shout at me like that! Fine I'll punish you, and it's something you'll have to take care of for the rest of your life!

Y/n: Wait what? Wait, what did you do? I don't feel anything.

Pycho: Oh, you'll know. Ahahhahahaha, HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. *dissapears*

Y/n: Wait come back! Dammit!

He then put some pants on and went outside.

Y/n went downstairs and into Yagoo's office.

Yagoo: Oh hi Y/n!

Y/n: Sup Y/n.

Yagoo: So, about todays collab. I need you to collab with the En gi-

Yagoo's phone suddenly rang.

Yagoo: Oh sorry.

Y/n: It's fine. Take it, it might be something important.

Yagoo then took the phone.

Yagoo: Yagoo here! Oh A-chan! Hm? What did you say? Oh tell Lui-san there's no problem! Alright, bye!

Y/n: Who was that?

Yagoo: Oh it was A-chan. She said Lui-chan was having a child guest and she asked if they could stay here. And I said yes. Anyways! The stream will start on about 9:30, you ok with that?

Y/n: Sure!

Yagoo: Great! Make sure not to be late!

Y/n: Got it.

Y/n left.

Yagoo: Hm, Lui has a child guest...... wait! Don't tell me....... she has a child!?

Back to Y/n.

Y/n was currently eating pancakes, bacon, toast, eggs and a bottle of beer. He was currently with Subaru and Botan.

Botan: Um.... Y/n-san.

Y/n: Hm?

Botan: Could you um...... Collab with me tomorrow?

Y/n: Sure? In what game tho?

Botan: Is Call of Duty ok with you?

Y/n: Moder warfare?

Botan: Yup.

Y/n: Sure.

Subaru: Wait could I join too?

Y/n: Yeah why not?

Subaru: YEY!

Y/n: Anyways *chug* I gotta *chug* go.

Y/n said finishing the bottle of beer.

Botan/Subaru: See ya Y/n!

Y/n then went to his room and started the stream.

The stream's name was "Playing on the EN server again"

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