The Reveal

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Y/n had to end the stream as soon as Washi went out.

"God damn it......"

Y/n says with an annoyed tone.

"I-I'm so so-"

Y/n simply puts his hand up, signaling Lui to stop talking.

"Leave me be."

Lui nods as she brings a confused Washi out of the house.

"How the hell do I fix this......."


"Hey Lui, have you seen Y/n?"

Subaru asks Lui, completely unaware of the situation.

"Um....... Subaru-chan, I don't think you should ask Lui."

Korone asks as she knows what happpened.

"It's ok Korone-san, I haven't seen him today so he's probably in his house." Lui says with a smile.

"Oh ok! Thanks Lui!"

Subaru asks as she heads to Y/n's house.

As she arrives she rings on the doorbell, only to notice that the door is open.

"It's open? Well alright, hey Y/n! I'm coming in!"

There was no answer, Subaru calls one more time but once again, there was no answer.

With no reply Subaru goes inside. As soon as she steps foot inside, the stench of alcohol fills her nose. She goes further in, and in the living room Y/n sat on the couch. Bottles of beer scatter around the room, he was currently reading a manga named "Oshi No Ko" on his phone.

"Oh Y/n! Why are you here? And what's with this insane amount of beer? Wait is that Oshi No Ko!? I didn't know you read manga!"

There was no reply. Only a faint "sigh" escaped Y/n's mouth.

"Um, Y/n?"

Y/n stood up and faced Subaru. Just a look at his face showed that he wasn't the same bright, cheerful, fun and funny Y/n she knew. His eyes had deep eyebags, his hair was a mess and his breath reeked of alcohol.

"Y-Y/n? What happened to you?"

"Please leave."

"B-But why?"

"Just leave."

"If there's a problem, you ca-"


Subaru was taken back by this, in her whole life she has never seen Y/n get mad or shout at all.


"You really want to know why? Huh! Fine by me then! Yesterday Washi walked into my stream, and to make things worse Lui tried to stop him! But that made things even worse! How can she be such an irresponsible mother!? I told her to watch over him and to not let him go outside! This could have been avoided if she watched over Washi! Heck she could've locked the DAMN DOOR!!!"

Subaru was now slowly being backed down into a wall by Y/n.

"Like why! That bitch could've locked the fucking door and even if she wasn't paying attention to Washi the incident could've never happened! Now I just ruined our lives! Everybody knows that me and Lui have a child! Her fans must want to kill me right now! Heck I've ruined everybody's lives! The internet won't accept that me and Lui, a vtuber, have a child! And they'll be after Yagoo and Hololive!"

"Y/n, we can fix t-"

"Fix this? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, FIX THIS!? Are you an idiot Subaru! I won't be affected as much since I have cemented myself as one of the greatest Youtuber/Streamer. But think Subaru! THINK! You'll lose your job! Your fans will go after Hololive! HOLOLIVE SUBARU! They'll go after Yagoo! Even the other members! Even if they haven't done a thing they'll go after them! Simply because of Washi! They'll never accept Lui and I having a child! They wont accept everybody in Hololive for keeping Washi a secret from them!"

"B-But it isn't to late-"


Y/n says with tears flowing out of his eyes, as he breaks down on the floor.

"Don't worry Y/n, I'm he-"

But, Y/n does something Subaru never would expect from him.

Y/n pushes Subaru.


Y/n then does something even worse.

He throws a bottle at Subaru.

It flies at her as it nearly misses her as it breaks into pieces. But suddenly.........

One of the shards hit Subaru in the cheek, cutting her.

Blood starts trickling down her face, she touches the wound as she stares at her hand in fear.

"S-Subaru........ I-I'm so so-"

But he is interrupted by a slap.

He looks back at Subaru as tear falls down her cheek. She then runs out of the house and out of the gate. But what she didn't notice was that someone was by the door.

And that someone was Lui. Who was hunched down in the ground with tears running down her eyes.

Well this was a depressing chapter to write................. Like really fucking depressing.............

Help me....Please! (Male Reader x HOLOLIVE)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ