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Y/n: Sui-chan?

Y/n walked to the girl but before he could come nearer he fell face first on the floor. Sacrificing his body to save the bottle of sake.

Y/n: Hey I saved the sake!

Suisei: Wait Y/n? What happened!?

Y/n: My legs gave out.

As Suisei rushed to help Y/n get up the door to the cafeteria opened.

Calli: Hey Y/n you left your pho- wait why are you on the floor.

Kiara: Wait Suisei senpai. What are you doing here?

Suisei: Oh I was waiting for Fubu-

Fubuki: Yo Suisei! I'm ba- WHY IS THERE SOMEONE ON THE FLOOR!?

Suisei: It's a.... long story.

Y/n: Ey, babushka! YA zaplachu tebe, yesli ty otsosesh' moy chlen!

Mumei: Wait what did he say?

Kiara: I think he spoke russian.

Calli: Well what do we do now.

Fubuki: Ah well you guys figure it out! Me and Suisei are gonna go ahead.

Fubuki says as she grabbed Suisei pulling her out of the hallway.

Mumei: Guess we should carry him to his room.

Calli: How tho? He's heavy.

Mumei: Well there's 3 of us and only 1 of him.

Kiara: Well alright. Me and Mumei will carry him by his arms. While you carry him by his legs. You got that Calli?

Calli: Yeah got it.

Mumei, Kiara and Calli all carried the now asleep Y/n to his room. But despite their efforts Y/n still had the bottle of sake despite being asleep.


After barely carrying Y/n they were now in front of his room.

Calli: Hey Mumei. Search his pockets for the key.

Mumei: Right.

Mumei searched Y/n's pockets for the key and found it on the back pocket. She opened the door revealing a reddish gray room.

They then carried him to his bed, with Y/n still holding the bottle of sake.

Calli: His room is surprisingly clean.

Calli looked the trash can to see it overflowing with tissue.

Calli: Except the trash can...... well let's go now girls. I still have a stream tomorrow so I got to sleep early.

Mumei/Kiara: Alright.

They all went out of the room locking the door as they left.


We now see Y/n who has just woken up.

Y/n: Huh? What time is it-

But before he could finish he grabs his forehead grunting in pain.

Y/n: Fuck my head hurts. I think I had a little bit to much to drink la- Shit I'm about to puke.

Y/n rushed to his bathroom opening the lid of the toilet and started puking on it.

After about a minute or so he finally stopped.

Y/n: Definitely had to much to drink. Wait what time is it?

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