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So looks like I'm making a DMC book........ But hey! At least I get to write action scenes once more! (Btw do you guys ship Lady and Dante? Cus they gonna be canon on the DMC book. Sorry Trish but I prefer Lady.)

Y/n was now in his room. After announcing that it was a prank social media calmed down Y/n was about to start a stream.

Y/n: Alright starting in 3, 2 and 1.

Y/n clicked the start stream button.

Y/n: Hello everybody my name is Y/n and welcome! To another stream, toda-

But before he could finish somebody donated a superchat saying.

"Y/n, stop the cap"

Y/n: W-What do you guys mean stop the cap??

He then read his chat as they were spamming "CAP".

Y/n: *sigh* I am telling the truth!

Y/n says showing his messages of him and Donut talking about the punishment.

Y/n: So? Do you guys believe me now!?

Chat immediately apologized to Y/n. But as Y/n thought he was on the clear. Somebody far to familiar said something on Superchat.

DonutKakyoin: Y/n, you do know you just broke the hearts of 2 girls that love you am I right?

Y/n: Wait? What are you doing here Donut!?

DonutKakyoin: I am here to guide my horny and single bestfri-

Y/n banned Donut.

Y/n: Well! That's that! Anyways! We will be playing minecraft!

Chat went on to spam "SHEEEEEEESH".

Y/n: Oh and I was invited by Mumei to the HoloCouncil server. (Everybody already knows that Mumei is Y/n's "other" half sister.

Y/n opens minecraft and joins the HoloCouncil server.

Y/n spawns on the middle of HoloCouncil's houses.

Y/n: And I spawn on the middle of a village?

As Y//n was exploring he saw on the bottom left of the screen.

"Whatabae was slain by Ender Dragon"

Y/n: Wait what?

Someone then Donated with a message.

MyNameIsJeff: Y/n please help the council beat the Ender Dragon, Fauna is literally carrying right now.

Y/n: The Dragon huh? I see, but first I need some equipment.

With the help of his chat Y/n got a full piece of Diamond Armor, a Shield, a diamond sword and pickaxe, ender pearls, food, a water bucket, a couple of beds and then he got some snowballs on the way. After reaching the portal he saw that everything was in chaos.


Well this is it. There's no way we're gonna beat the dragon. We haven't even destroyed a single end crysta-

"Dergil has made the achievement [The End?]

Fauna: Wait guys who's Dergil?

Mumei: Holy shit! It's Ni-san!


As Y/n entered the end he used a ender pearl to teleport to the battle. He then bombarded the crystals that had no cover with the snowballs. He then went on the destroy the covered end crystals.

Kronii: Holy hell he's insane!

Bae: What is this sorcery!

Fauna: Thank God my back was hurting from all that carrying.

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