Chapter 59

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                      Author's POV

"You are safe now.."

Damon stared at Lan in his arms, his heart tightening in his chest.

What if I had just come a minute late,what would have happened? He thought to himself hating the thought of Lan being in such a situation.

"You should take him to his room. I will take care of this" Nate told Damon lifting a bruised unconscious Mark off the floor.

Damon nodded and took lan to his room. He laid him down on the bed and stared at his face.

His fingers ran through his hair as his eyes observed the bruise on his forehead. He stood up and stepped into the bathroom later coming out with a first-aid kit.

His fingers gently pushed lan's hair aside as he dabbed the cotton wool on his bruise slowly making sure he doesn't wake him up.

His mind kept reliving the scene he witnessed making his heart burn with rage. He has never felt so much anger before seeing lan so helpless on the floor and Mark trying to take advantage of him. He felt like killing him at that point.

He stared at his knuckles reoccurring the punches he kept throwing at Mark's face if Nate didn't stop him and took over he was sure he'd have killed him.

"I will always protect you, I promise" He mumbled staring at Lan's face.

After he was done dressing his wound he stood up from the bed and walked out of the room letting him rest.

Damon walked down stairs and into the kitchen. Nate sat on a stool drowning himself in alcohol. Damon sighed and sat beside him snatching the bottle of alcohol from his hand and drowning it. He squeezed his face as the bitter taste hit his tongue.

"I thought you don't drink" Nate said staring at him.

Damon smiled and stared at the bottle still in his grasp.

"I don't but right now I need it if not I would likely go after Mark and make sure he regrets every finger he placed on Lan. I'd break his fingers one by one and make him watch as I chop them off" Damon said casually.

Nate stared at him incredulously. He shook his head and sighed.

"You sound like a psychopath you know"He said.

Damon grinned and stared at him "I prefer creative psychopath" He replied.

Nate scoffed "Whatever"

"Where is he?" Damon asked.

"Still unconscious in my room." Nate replied.

"I still can't believe he'd go to that extent" He added still in shock.

"What do we plan on doing with him?" Damon asked staring at the little content left in the bottle.

"We are not doing anything Damon! I have called his mom and told her everything she'd be here soon" Nate said glaring at Damon.

Damon scoffed muttering under his breathe.

"No one should know about any of this Damon. Promise me" Nate said, his eyes zeroing in on him.

Damon crossed his legs and met his stare not backing down.

"And why?"

"Because it will ruin his life not just his but Lan's as well and I know you care about my brother more than a friend should"


Lan's eyes popped open immediately headache shot to his head making him clutch his forehead. He frowned at the pain and forced his body up pain shooting up to his back.

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