Chapter 33

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           ~Damon's POV~

And just like a movie he fired at me. The sharp sound of the gun was all I could hear....

This was definitely not how I planned it. Thank God for my quick reflexes that made be move to the side if not the bullet which made a hole on the door would have made a hole in my head.

Okay I really need to get out of here fast.

"So....have you decided?" Don Santiago asked looking smug. I wish I could wipe off that smug look on his face with my fist.

I kept looking at the money and the gun in his hands, trying to cook up an escape plan from here.

There are currently ten goons in this room and I'm not sure I can escape all of them.

"Well Mr Santiago, it seems that you really live up to my expectation" I answered standing tall, my eyes doing a calculation of its own.

He looked confused trying to see if I was trying to trick him.

"And what expectation is that?" He asked curious. He dropped the gun and the money beside in and crossed him arms watching me.


"Well...I heard you were fearless, terrifying..."I said making sure to draw every word of mine while taking a slow step towards him.

Like always people like him would always want to hear something good about them. His chest puffed out and he lifted his chin up a smirk on his lips.

"But...I always knew you were a fool"  Immediately I cut them off guard having his gun in my hand and my arm wrapped around his neck with the gun pointed at his head.

Multiple guns pointed at me at the same time.

"Let him go or we will shoot!" The buff man from earlier yelled stepping closer towards me.

I wrapped my hands tighter around the Don's neck making him halt in his steps.

I laughed finding the situation amusing "You think I'm a fool, let him go and die? No way" I said making sure to cut off his air circulation. He wrapped his hand around my arm trying to release himself but my grip was tighter.

"Now listen up everyone! I make the rules, you follow or multiple bullets pass through his brain. Understood!!" I threatened glancing at everyone one of them.

They refused to back down making me grit my teeth in anger.

I cracked the gun alerting them that I wasn't bluffing.

"D-drop the guns" Don Santiago said his voice whivering.

For a Don he sure was scared of dying I thought amused.

They still kept their stance refusing to drop their weapons.

"Now!!" He yelled. They all dropped their guns except for the buff guy who still looked reluctant.

I turned to the side not taking my eyes off the only man with gun pointed at me at this point.

"Pick up the money" I whispered to the Don not taking my eyes off the buff man.

His eyes turned to the desk as he picked it up.


"You pick up that bag" I pointed my chin at a goon. The Don nodded making him pick the bag up.

"Put it in"

He took the money from him and put it inside the bag.

"Drop it on the table" He slowly dropped it on the table making me sigh in relief.

This is going better than I thought. I can definitely get out of here.

The next minute a hit to my head made me loose my grip from the Don's neck. He stepped away from me making me stumble.

I brought my hand to my head and blood coated my palm.

Oh no!

I stumbled backwards feeling dizzy. Another hit to my head brought me down. I fell down on the floor as my vision blurred.

The buff man stood in front of me a smile on his face, his gun still in his hand.

"Good job Roger" Don Santiago patted his shoulder laughing before I lost consciousness.


                         ~Lan POV~

It's been a week after my sleepover at Mark and our relationship has been great. My mom is getting better.

She is communicating more with me and has also apologized for her behaviour. So let's just say it's been the best week of my life.

Our exams are starting tomorrow before we go on a break and I have been working my ass out.

Constantly spending time with my computer and books. I definitely don't want to fail this exam especially not a mid- term one.

Well I haven't failed any exams and have always aced my classes but still that doesn't stop me from getting anxious or nervous, I mean it's exam! No one wants to fail!

So like always I have a book opened up on my bed and my jotter out. You see I study differently. Whenever I study I highlight the important parts and jot them down to have a quick reference later. Stressful but it's my style.

A knock on my door pulled me out of concentrating.

"Hey honey I brought you lunch" My mom said peeping from the door.

My heart fluttered at the sight of her. I missed her so much. I'm glad she is herself now although I can see how badly she's still beating herself up for her past behaviour.

"You can come in mom" I dropped my book making space for her on my bed.

She sat down beside me and dropped the tray on my bedside table.

"How's study coming up?" She inquired looking at my book.

"Good. I have been able to go through each topic three times so I'm sure I have got this" I answered a grin on my face.

She smiled running her fingers through my hair.

"That's my nerdy boy" She ruffled my hair.

She sighed looking down dejected"I'm so sorry Lan. I don't know what was wrong with me. I'm sorry my boy" She apologized again like usual.

"Mom.." I held her hand looking into her eyes.

"....I already told you, you don't need to apologise to me over and over again. That's the past, and I love you mom so much" I said holding her hand.

"Awwwn.... sweetie, I love you too" She kissed my forehead and patted my head.

"Now stop studying for now and have your lunch. It's cookies and Milk, I know how much you love it"  She smiled and got up from my bed.

"Ok mom"

"Now let me go give that silly brother of yours his. Surprisingly for the first time in his life he is studying. I still have to wrap my head around it" She shaked her head looking shocked.

'Nate's studying??' That's definitely a new development.

She walked out of my room shutting the door in the process. I returned back to studying promising myself to take a break soon to have my lunch.

I have to ace my papers tomorrow.

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