Chapter 6

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                      Lan's POV

"O-okay lan deep breath...o-okay breathe"I could hear my heart pounding loudly in my ear.

What kind of mess have I gotten myself into.

Who is this guy!

He keeps snuggling closer to me, making me panick. I have never been this close to anyone before. Well... anyone except for my mom that is.

She is the only one who I have been this close to.

"Pl-please wake up"I kept patting his cheeks hoping to get a reaction out of him. But the highest reaction I could get was a groan.

"Great! Just when I wanted some peace and quiet, this happens!"I sighed frustrated.

I couldn't even eat my fruits. I feel like crying right now.

Slowly just like breeze, sleep came, pulling me in deeper than expected.


I snuggled closer to my soft blanket feeling cozy and warm.

I have never slept so wonderful before. Last night was the best sleep I have ever had.

I felt my blanket move beneath me. I furrowed my brows confused.

Forcing my tired eyes open, I stretched my aching muscles and yawned.

"Good morning" A deep voice reverbrated beneath me.

A yelp escaped from my mouth as I crashed hard on the floor in my attempt to escape.

"Aww...." I cried out in pain.

My butt hurt alot!

How could I have forgotten that I wasn't alone. I can't believe I slept comfortable with a stranger beside me last night.

How could you have let your guard down Lan!

What if he took advantage of you, you idiot!

"Need help?"

I looked up at the face.  A half naked man stood in front of me.

I stared at his outstretched hand and glanced back at the face, fuming inside.

How dare he act like it's ok to just walk into my room and sleep on my bed!

I slapped his hand away and stood up on own despite the pain on my butt.

I massaged my butt but the pain couldn't let me do a good job at it.

" need to put ice on that" The douchebag pointed out standing a foot away from me.

"Oh really? I never knew" I replied sacastically bumping his shoulders as I forced myself to sit on one butt cheek on my bed.

"Okay look, I am sorry I slept in your room last night okay. I was drunk and tired and this was the first room I saw, so I just---"

"--made yourself comfortable. Right?" I glared at him still not buying his excuse.

It might sound valid but still I won't easily forgive him. I went through torture last night. Okay...maybe not the entire night but half of it... I guess.

"Oh stop being such a sore butt!" he replied rolling his eyes.

I could feel my eyes twitch in anger.

Of course I am a sore butt! My freaking butt is sore!!!


Because of him!

On My Bed (B×B)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now