Chapter 58

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                          Lan's POV

(At Night)


Damon laid on my bed as I narrated all that happened today to him from the call to Mark's state. I watched his expression move from shock to guilt as fast as the snap of a finger.

I guess I am not the only one filled with remorse then.

Damon kept quiet drumming his fingers on his forehead his eyes pinned to the ceiling. I sat quietly waiting for him to say something.

"Aren't you going to say anything?" I asked tired of his silence.

"What do you want me to say?" He asked eyes still on the ceiling.

"I don't know.. something! Like what you're feeling for example or how we can help him!" I said sounding frustrated or maybe I'm frustrated. The silence is killing me.

He turned his head to stare at me a look in his eyes.

He had that look in his eyes that says 'I have turned off my emotions for tonight'.

"And what do you think I am feeling Lan?" He asked with an icy cold voice.

"Guilt. So much guilt and remorse not towards me but him. It's biting you" I replied staring into his eyes not wavering.

He stared at me quietly then suddenly burst out laughing.

"You're so funny Lan. Okay let's say I do feel guilty. What do you want me to do about it? I'm not a psychiatrist you know? He needs a mental hospital if he can't get over just one boy" He said rolling his eyes.

My blood boiled inside of me at how he spoke of Mark. Like he couldn't care if anything happens to him. Why does he have to act so cold at times?

I pulled him by his shirt, my grip tight. His pupil expanded as he stared at me. He looked amused pissing me off some more.

"Stop speaking like that! This is Mark we are talking about! He is hurt and you're filled with guilt so don't give me that crap like you don't care" I girtted out.

His lips pulled up. He held my hands pulling it away from his shirt and sitting up.

He rested his head on the headboard and sighed.

He tilted his head towards me looking amused.

"You're bold. Seems like I'm rubbing off on you huh" he chuckled.

"Look Lan. I don't know what you expected from me when you told me that, neither do I know what to do to help him. It'd be best for you if you stop trying to make me be something I am not" He said with all the seriousness he could muster.

I stared at him not buying his words.

"I expect you to be a man and follow your heart. I expect you to show those emotions that hide behind your eyes. I expect you to want to help him like I do because it's all our fault this is happening!" I said staring at him dead in the eyes.

"I am not a hero Lan. Don't try to make me one. Yes I admit I was wrong in what I did to you and him but that's the best I can do. I cannot sit here and act like I want to help or I can help. And lan...." He trailed off shutting his eyes tight.

"What? Say it!" I pushed further. I want to hear what he is holding back.

"Say it!"

He popped his eyes open and within a flash pinned me underneath him.

"If I follow my heart like you said and show the emotions lurking behind my would have been mine a long time ago and you would have been moaning under me by now.

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