Chapter 14

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                              Lan's POV

Honestly I have never been in anyone's hold before and now I am being carried like a princess by one of my brother's friend while the other watches from behind.

To say I am embarrassed and uncomfortable would be an understatement.

"Put me down, we are getting close"I whispered softly to him pleading to be let down.

"Why? "He asked still walking ahead.

"W-what do you mean 'why'? Let me down! Their is no way I'm going to let myself become a thing of joke--"

'--again. ' I completed in my head.

Damon ignored me like I wasn't talking to him. It doesn't matter, he can ignore me all he wants but I am getting down from his body by hook or by crook.

I pounded my fists on his chest repeatedly.

"I demand to be let down!"My eyes burned through his.

" Yes your highness"He teased putting me down.

"Moron! "I scoffed leaving him behind.


"Hey  guys they are here!"Pearl alerted the others as soon as she spotted us.

"That took y'all long enough"Luke rolled his eyes.

"Come join in guys,the water is so relaxing"Jacob beaconed us over.

I popped down on a rock at the edge of the Lake watching as Damon pulled his shirt and shorts off leaving him in only his boxers. His back was turned towards me giving me a view of the tattoos on his back.

One ran down his spine,while the other was on his lower waist line.

Who the hell,scar their bodies with so much tattoos. Mum would kill me if any day I come back home with a tattoo on.

"Hey Lan whatcha looking at huh" Luke wiggled his eyebrows at me.

My cheeks flushed at being caught. I kept my head down "N-nothing"I replied.

With a splash I knew he had jumped into the Lake already followed by Mark next.

I looked up at all of them having fun and playing splash in the Lake. A part of me wants to join in but that part that knows I shouldn't held me back.

I mean if I join in I might just ruin the fun and my body---no!

The water looked so inviting to turn down so I removed my shoes and placed my legs into the water.

It felt warm and soothing. If only I could take a dip.

Mark eyes connected with mine. I smiled waving at him. I guess he saw that as an invitation cause the next moment he's swimming towards me.

"Why aren't you swimming? "He asked leaning on the rock I sat on.

"I don't want to get wet"I shrugged acting like I don't want to jump into this sparkling water at this point.

"Come on.. you're gonna love it"he persuaded.

'I know but I don't know how to agree, please just fucking push me into the water so I don't have to say no'

All my mind wants at this moment is a force to just take me down into this water forcefully because my logical side will be ever ready to say no when asked.

On My Bed (B×B)[COMPLETED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin