Chapter 9

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                 Author's POV

It was already time for them to depart,but they just didn't know how to. They stood close to Nate's car trying to figure out how they would fit.

"Seriously... none of you even have a car? "Pearl raised a brow as she glared at them. Jacob's cheeks reddened in shame, same as Luke and Mark as they looked away from her.

"I-it's not easy getting a car you know"Mark said as he scratched his head in shame.

" Ya right sherlock" Pearl replied sarcastically.

" If only dad had let me bring mine" Pearl sighed frustrated.

" How about this, you all can lap. See...problem solved. Now pair up and let's roll" Nate didn't stand to hear their grumbles and refusal. He jumped into the front sit and waited for them to enter.

"I call shot gun! "Jacob yelled as he quickly ran to sit in the front.

The rest grumbled in frustration, annoyed that they couldn't think about it fast enough.

Lan's eyes connected with Pearl "Pearl and---"

"Lan's with me! "Mark yelled out as he cut him off.

They all stared at him in surprise.

"What?"he asked flushed.

"Well...I guess Pearl's with me then"Luke shrugged already entering the car. He pulled the reluctant pearl on top of him as his hand wrapped around her waist.

Pearl turned and glared at him"Try anything and I will chop off your dick"

Luke scoffed" As if. You are not even my type"He rolled his eyes.

Pearl gasped offended. She raised her body up from him making him raise a brow before within a blink of an eye,she jumped back down hard on his lap.

"F*ck!you bitch!"Luke gasped in pain.

"Serves you right"she smirked.

"Lan, Mark,you both can walk!"Nate yelled as he started the engine about to drive off.

"What? Wait!"Mark yelled as he quickly jumped in and pulled the stunned lan on his lap.

He wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him closer.

Lan froze at the contact. He watched his hand waiting for him to pull it away but he didn't,still holding his waist loosely.

He sat stiffly not able to relax.

"Now y'all are in, let's go"Nate turned on the radio jamming to the beat as he drove off.

"This song is too hard for my ears Nate"Lan yelled trying to keep his voice above the loud music.

Nate turned to him "Then close 'em"he snickered facing the road back.

Feeling insulted lan crossed his arms and shut his mouth.

Even pearl was already nodding to the music as she used Luke's body as her bouncing castle. Luke looked like he was in pain the way he sat, letting her do her thing.

Lan felt like his head was buzzing. He rubbed his forehead in pain.

Jacob who saw the action through the front mirror,felt sorry for him so he turned off the music.

"Hey!"Pearl exclaimed as she stopped bouncing.

Luke sighed in relief. At least he still gets to keep his lap and something else.

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