Chapter 15

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                       Lan's POV

After we all freshened up, we gathered in the living room. Everyone sat on the floor making a circle.

At the center was a bottle of tikila and a plastic cup, with an empty plastic bottle.

"So... We are going to be playing never have I ever. I am sure everyone is aware of the rules of the game? "Pearl asked staring at everyone.

Everyone nodded. I am zero excited for this game. I have never played anything like this before ever.

"Do you know the rules Lan?" She crossed her arms arching her brows.

With a timid embarrassed look I shook my head.

She rolled hers "Okay. The rules are simple. I spin the bottle, who ever it lands on starts the game. When a person asks a never have I ever, who ever has done it has to take a shot. We will go for it like three rounds. "She explained.

" Okay"I nodded preparing my mind to play.

" Good. Let's start shall we" She spinned the bottle and let it rotate.

My heart was beating heavily in my chest hoping the freaking bottle won't point at me.

I don't want to have to start first.

Thankfully it stopped at Jacob.

"Woah ok. Um... Never have I ever gotten drunk at a party and woken up somewhere else?"he asked, taking a shot.

" That was too easy"Nate rolled his eyes taking a shot as well.

"Ditto!"Mark also took a shot.

"Well...I have experienced that several times so..."Pearl shrugged taking a shot as well, followed by Luke.

Everyone starred at Damon waiting for him to take a shot.

"I don't drink"Damon replied blankly.

"Wait what?!"We all exclaimed at the same time.

" What do you mean by you don't drink?" Nate asked surprised.

Damon shrugged" Exactly what you heard. I don't drink" he smirked.

"W-wait but that night---"I trialed off looking at him confused.

He winked at me grinning.

"What night?"Nate asked with an etched brow.

My eyes boulged out when I realized how close I was to kicking myself into the flames.

"Nothing. I was just joking"I replied.

"Wow Damon,no one expected that. But that night at Nate's party you drank."Jacob spoke eyeing him.

" I didn't. But y'all think I did because I made it seem like I did. You see,I was with the cup of alcohol but I never really drank from it"He replied chuckling at the surprised looks on their faces.

" I still don't believe that you don't drink" Pearl shook her head in doubt.

Honestly,I don't blame her. Who would expect that a personality like Damon, doesn't drink. I sure wouldn't.

"Okay spin"Mark said.

Pearl spinned the bottle again. This time it landed at Nate.

"Never have I ever....."he held his chin thinking. A mischievous grin on his face.

"...had a threesome before?"

Everyone faces looked horrified at this point.

Nate chuckled slowly sipping his drink.

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