Chapter 50

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                     ~Damon's POV~

The fact that he is watching me, gives me pleasure. The only reason I am talking to this over excited cheerleader here is to tick him off. He has been avoiding me since that day and I kept my distance not bothering to call or go over to his house.

I even promised myself to stay away from him but alas one of the wishes of my mom was to see me graduate. She is doing a bit better now. She is currently living with me, with a nurse checking in and taking care of her when I'm not around.

Their are multiple schools around but the fact that he is here might be one of the reason I forced my way in here.

I know my heart wants him but my head won't let me.

I will make him want me so bad he can't resist. I grinned.

After series of lectures from different teachers, it was finally break. My butt hurts alot. I hate school so much.

"Hey can I get your number?" Genevieve asked biting her lips seductively.

I hate it when girls does that. It makes them look so cheap.

'But not when he does it' My mind spoke pissing me off.

"No"  I replied brushing passed her.

"Hey bro..why didn't you tell me you were coming here?" Nate asked pulling me in a bro hug.

"It just happened. At least now we'd be closer" I replied.

"We will have so much fun" Luke said smiling.

Jacob nodded in support. Mark was the only one with an angry scowl on his face.

I definitely know he doesn't like me for some reason and heck I don't like him too.

"Hey guys..." Pearl walked over to us, Lan behind her. He kept looking at the floor.

He is definitely trying to avoid me. I smirked at that thought.

"Let's go have lunch... I'm soo..hungry babe. If we weren't in school I'd have had you for lunch" Luke said grinning as he pulled her to himself.

Her face turned red. She slapped his shoulder embarrassed. Everyone laughed at their display.

We left the class heading to the cafeteria. Lan moving ahead, Mark beside him as we all trailed behind.

The cafeteria was fully packed. Everyone ordered. We sat down at an empty table. And once again Lan was beside Mark. Am I missing something here?

Conversations went round the table but still Lan eyes kept avoiding mine. He is silly if he thinks he can avoid me.

"So..Damon, we saw you with Genny what's going on huh?" Jacob asked wiggling his brows.

I smirked amused. If I wanted a girl, she is definitely not my type. She's too desperate for my liking.

"She seems like she likes you bro. I'd be careful if I were you" Luke added.

Nate held my shoulder a smile on his face "I have had her bro and she is not that good. Mathilda now is different" He grinned.

"You're disgusting Nate" Pearl wrinkled her nose throwing a tissue at his face which he doudged.

"She is not my type"  I replied.

" who is your type?" Pearl asked wiggling her brows at me.

They all looked curious as they stared at me except for a certain two who were having a separate conversation and awfully close, more than I'd appreciate.

"I like someone who can moan my name really well. In fact I think I have found just the person." I replied a smirk on my lips.

Lan choked on his water, making my smirk grow. He was definitely listening.

"Ooohhh" They all exclaimed teasing me.


I walked into the restroom and immediately a stall opened up and fuck my amazing luck, lan stepped out of it. He looked surprised to see me.

I leaned on the wash and crossed my arms.

"You have been avoiding me." I stated.

He rolled his eyes and walked towards me using the other wash beside me.

"Stay away from me Damon" he said.

I moved behind him caging him with my body. I could hear his breathing change. We locked eyes in the mirror.

"And what if I don't?" I asked bringing my lips to  his head. He smells so good.

Like someone under a spell, he moved his neck giving me space. I smiked satisfied at his reaction.

He snapped out of whatever spell he was in and pushed me away.

"S-stay away from me. I-I am warning you" He looked breathless pointing a finger at me.

"And if I don't?" I challenged him stepping closer.

Immediately the door opened and a boy stepped inside staring at us with a confused look. I moved away from Lan giving him a chance to slip away.


School was finally over. I wasted no time and rushed to my bike to drive home. I have to head home quickly. The nurse must probably be waiting for me to come before she can leave.

"Hey Damon where are you heading to so fast?" Luke yelled

"Home" I replied kick-starting my bike.

They all stood together at a spot watching me. Lan doing very well to hide his face.

A smirk rose on my lips. I wore my helmet.

"Cool bike"

"He is sooo hot!"

The whispers of girls giggling could be heard as they stared at me.

"Bye Lan. See you tomorrow." I waved at him enjoying the shocked look on his face and drove off.

I got home immediately the nurse stepped out of the door.

"Oh good you're here. I really have to leave. I was feeling so bad for leaving her but she told me to go. Another nurse will come tomorrow" She smiled clutching her bag firmly.

"It's fine. Thank you for staying"I replied and stepped into the house.

Mom sat on the couch in the living room watching TV. Her head bald. Her skin was pale. She looked sick but at least she could walk with support.

"Mom" I called out to her. She turned to stare at me a warm smile on her lips.

"You're back" Her voice was low holding warmth and motherly care. Something I will miss dearly.

I dropped my bag and headed to her sitting beside her.

She ran her fingers through my hair.

"How was school?" She asked smiling at me.

"It was fine. How are you?" I asked.

"I'm fine don't worry. The nurse took really good care of me" She replied.

"Go change. I wish I was strong enough to prepare lunch for you" She said sighing. Her voice held sadness.

I held her cheeks wiping the tears that rolled down.

"Don't worry Mom. Just get better"

"I just want to cook for you once before I d--"

"Shhhh" I placed a finger on her lips preventing her from saying what I knew she was about to say.

I don't want to here it. Not today.

"You will but when you get better" I said getting up.

"I will go change" I added climbing up the stairs.

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