Chapter 83: Black Widow and L.A.

Start from the beginning

I got comfortable on the couch and decided to watch Avengers: Endgame. Only this movie and the Black Widow movie and I saw every Marvel movie Scarlett was in.
I also have to say that I got interested in the whole MCU thing, so after I watched those movies, I will catch up on the other ones.

With a bowl of popcorn in my hands, I am ready to start the movie.
I admire my beautiful girlfriend that went back to red hair and only her tips are blond now, it looks amazing on her, just as everything else.
When I get a text, I look at my phone and smile when I see it's Scarlett, asking me what I'm doing.
I send her a picture of the laptop with the movie and see the three dots appear.

She asks me where I'm at and I scrunch my eyebrows a little together but lean forward and look at the timeline, texting her the exact minute.
Her question confuses me a bit but I don't think anything further about it. She wishes me fun and I thank her before putting my phone down again.

The movie goes on and the bowl of popcorn gets empty, so I place it on the coffee table.
My girlfriend doesn't have a lot of screentime in this movie, so I am happy when I see her again, sitting in a starship with Clint, headed to a planet. When they arrive, it reads 'Vormir'.
They climb up the hill and talk to the guard or something and when he tells them that one of them has to sacrifice themselves, my mouth falls open.

"Not Natasha." I whisper and lean forward a bit.
They start to discuss and fight and I nibble on my lip, a little tense.

When Clint jumps, I'm almost relieved but yell out when she jumps after him, hooking him to the cliff. My bottom lip pushes out a little and I feel my eyes starting to get teary, this can't be the end.

"It's okay." She says and the first tear drops from my eyes.
Clint lets her go and I cry out, clutching the blanket.
Her dead body is shown and I can't help it but to cry. I press pause when the scene is cut to process, tears rolling down my cheeks.

As if on cue, my phone rings and I pick it up to see it's Scarlett, so I take the phone.
"It should have been Clint." I sob and slouch back into the couch.

"I know, baby." She says softly. I wipe a few tears away but new ones come.
"I wasn't ready for you to die. You deserved so much better! You deserved to have some kind of family." I cry and sniffle.

"Natasha did deserve better but she did it for humanity." She tries to comfort me.

"I don't care. She was too amazing to die." I disagree and slowly the tears stop and only light sobs shake my body anymore.

"That is very true. It was a sad scene to film." She recalls a memory and I nod, grabbing a tissue and wiping my face.

"Why are you calling?" I ask, remembering I just started crying when taking the call.

"I know when the scene comes up and knew you'd be upset so I calculated when you'd watch it to be your emotional support." She explains and I almost cry again at how cute she is.

"You're so sweet, I swear." I sniffle a bit and she smiles softly. "But you shouldn't have died."

"I know, baby. But there is a whole movie about me you can still watch." She coos and I nod slowly, she's right.

"Okay, fine." I agree and she chuckles a bit.
"Are you feeling better now?" She asks softly and I nod a little.

"Still not happy that-"
I'm interrupted by my phone slipping out of my hand and falling onto my face. I curse before whining a bit and picking it up.

"Are you okay?" Scar asks concerned and I shake my head.

"My phone just fell onto my face and with that I sent you cliff jumping virtually, just like Nat." I sob once more before pulling myself together a little.

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