Chapter 15

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Jay makes a post account of a quote with black background on his Instagram. Sunghoon, who has not unfollowed Jay and still had his notifications on, saw the post. “That’s such a Jay thing to do,” he giggled looking at his phone behind the counter. 

“Hey, I told you to come to the café to cover shifts because there is a lack of staffs not for you to giggle over your boyfriend or something,” Jake said.

“Oh it’s not Heeseung hyung, I’m just giggling at seongie’s post.”

“Jay posted?” Jake asked as he pulled Sunghoon’s hand over to take a look at the post.

“Why so interested huh?” Sunghoon asked, smirking. He calmed himself down and asked, “Jakey, can I ask.. do you like seongie?”

“No?” Jake denied, avoiding eye contact and with an obvious lying look on his face. “You can be honest with me Jakey,” Sunghoon said.

“But I don’t,” Jake denied once again.

“Jakey, I’ve known you for so many years, I know when you have feelings for someone. The way you look at them is different, and that’s the case now. I can feel that you like Jay. And if you really do, go for him. Seongie is someone who really needs another person to take care of him, he acts mature and like he knows a lot, but he is a child at heart. You are someone who loves such people, you like taking care of a partner who acts like a kid. You’re he perfect match Jakey and I think you can do a good job.”

“But he’s your ex-boyfriend hoonie..”


“As long as he has a good match and the both of you are happy, what’s wrong with it?”

“Really?” Jake asked with doubt.

“Yea!” Sunghoon responded. Little did he know he will soon regret what he said.

Hiding the smile inside of him, Jake said "erm, i need to use the bathroom," and quickly went to the rest room. He sent Jay a private reply to his post, asking if he was alright but received no response. Seeing that Jay was online but didn’t a reply, he felt quite disappointed.

Keeping his phone in his pocket, he went out of the rest room and continued to work. Much distracted waiting for Jay to reply. He was anticipating for the vibration of his phone that never came.
He was looking forward to a reply, so he kept checking his phone for notifications. But.. there was nothing.

Sunghoon noticed and nudged Jake, he teased "waiting for someone's message?", with a smirk on his face.

"No!" Jake quickly hid his phone in embarrassment.

"Oh come on, don't be shy!"

"Nono!" Jake rushed to the staff room and hid his phone.

"So who's the lucky man ?" Sunghoon peeked in behind Jake.

'No one! There's no lucky man!" Jake insisted.

"You can't lie to me you know, you're not a very good liar." Sunghoon said as Jake's phone notification bell rang. "Wanna check your phone?"

"No it's okay."

"Should i check it for you," Sunghoon suggested as he reached for Jake's phone. "No!" Jake exclaimed and snatched his phone over. Seeing 'Jay' on the message, he smiled.

"He finally replied," he spoke under his breath.

"He who?"

"No one!" He hid his phone and ran to the bathroom to give Jay a reply.

젱 : Yea, i'm fine thank you for asking :)
젝 : that's great !
젝 : will you be coming down to the café anytime soon ?
젱 : i don't think so, i think i'll stay away from there for some time. Is there a problem ?
젝 : oh, i understand. And nope no problem. Get enough rest jay, and if you need anything, food drinks company, anything at all, feel free to drop me a text XD
젱 : Thank you~ the same for you too~

Jake left the bathroom with a satisfied smile on his face, to see a smirking sunghoon with his arms crossed standing right across him.

"It's seongie isn't it?" He asked.


"If you need any information on him, just ask me. On the condition that you be honest with me." He gently gave a pat on Jake's shoulder and returned to the counter to take the customer's orders.

Jake gave it a thought but decided to brush it off temporarily. He put his phone away and focused on work instead.

Later that night, Jake received a notification from Jay. He was nervous to open the message but was extremely happy to see a text from him.

젱 : hey sorry to bother you at this hour, i'm at the gym right now but could really use some company.
젝 : say no more, send me the address
젱 : thank you bro

"Bro", ouch his heart ached a little but was still happy to be going to see Jay soon. He received the address from Jay and quickly went to change and pack his things. Thinking about how Jay would look working out made him blush. He hops into bed and bury his face into his pillow squealing.

"Ahhhh! I have to go, Jake stop screaming!" He told himself before rushing off. He arrived there in no time as he took a cab. He didn't want to keep Jay waiting.
After tidying himself up with his reflection on the glass, he finally goes in, to see Jay lifting weights.
"His arms!!!" He screamed inside his head.

Noticing him from the mirror, Jay turns to welcome Jake.
"Hey, you're here," he smiled.
"You're looking better than i expected," Jake said
"So what exactly were you expecting?" Jay smirked.
"Oh erm nothing"
"Just kidding, i'm doing better than i expected too, how's hoonie?"
"He seems fine, i think?"
"That's good."
"I'll go warm up," Jake said.

Jay continues to lift weights while Jake checks him out from the mirror while he stretches and warms up.
"I can see you're looking at me," jay said nonchalantly making Jake blush. "I am really doing fine, you don't have to worry."

"Oh, erm I'm not worried, I'm just curious about what you're thinking," Jake quickly made up an excuse, which Jay somehow fell for.

"I was thinking about if i should find a new partner."

"As a rebound? To make hoonie jealous? Or to actually love them?" Jake asked.

"I'd only date someone because i have true feelings and would like to marry them some day."

"Do you have someone in mind at the moment?" Jake held his breath, praying that there isn't any competition for him.

"No not yet," Jay said, making Jake sigh of relief. "You good"

"Yea," Jake smiled and went onto the threadmill. "You going anywhere later?" He asked.

"Probably home, why?"
Jake shook his head, "nothing."

Tired, Jake sat aside to take a break, when Jay came by to hand him a bottle of energy drink.
"Thanks," he said smiling, making eye contact with Jay.
"No worries." Jay felt his heart pounding, this moment felt like forever to him for some reason.

It was this moment they were both sure, that they want each other

It was this moment they were both sure, that they want each other

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