"Evelyn, please just let me in your life without this bickering. I just want to be able to go back to the type of relationship we had before I stupidly walked out." He pleads, grabbing both sides of my face.

"I'm not asking you to forgive me. I understand that will take more than some flowers and a dress." I look down at the floor. "But just let me be a part of your life again."

I stay looking down at the floor, and Grayson grips my chin and makes me look up at him. His face furrows pleadingly.  "Evelyn please...."

I sigh and shake my head. "Grayson you don't know what you're asking me right now..." He looks down at me confused. "What are you talking about.?" He doesn't realize the biggest issue in this.

"Grayson, I'm not the same Evelyn you knew five years ago." I grab his hands and slip them off my face. "You don't know what, or who I am anymore-" He interrupts me halfway through my sentence.

"And that's fine! I want to learn the Evelyn I'm standing in front of today." I look at him. "The me that you created you mean..." Grayson's eyes flutter and this seems to snap him back into his place.

"The me that you let my father create," I start to lose my cool and slam my hands onto his chest, shoving him back a little. "Because you walked out on me!" Grayson steps back with the shove and tries grabbing my hands as I shove him with each word.

"You betrayed me!" I shove him.

"You left!" I shove him.

"How could you!?" I shove him.

"I know, I know...." Grayson whispers as tears pool around both our eyes. "You promised not to leave! And you left!" A tear rolls down my face and I look up at him. "You have no idea what my father has created..."

My father has created something far past what I thought he could ever.

"You don't know what the things I've done." He has no idea what I had done only the day before he arrived. The pleasure and zero regret of my actions. Things I never thought id do six years ago.

"Evelyn. I'm sorry. Please believe me when I say that I have no other excuse to want you back, except for the fact that I simply miss you." I frown and slightly tilt my head. "I just don't want to get hurt again." He shakes his head and slowly places a hand on my arm.

"I'd rather carve my own heart out than watch you get hurt in my fault again Ev." At these words my self-respect falls out of my grasp and my arms wrap around his body, hugging him.

Grayson is shocked at first but finally hugs me back. "I bet you still suck at fighting." He whispers, chuckling at himself. I pull back and slap his arm. "Shut up. I probably fight better than you." he scrunches his nose and tilts his head.

"Doubt that."

We both laugh and then I wipe my face. "This doesn't mean I forgive you. I'm just giving you another shot at being my friend again." Grayson nods in understanding.

I'm really hoping he takes this and uses this chance wisely. I don't plan on giving another shot after this one if he fucks it up again.

"We should probably get going," Grayson says breaking the silence. He leads the way, walking us out of the mansion.

When we get in the car we sit in such a comfortable silence I res my head against the window and close my eyes.

What a day...



Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.


As I pull my car into the driveway, I notice that Evelyn had fallen asleep. She looked so calm. I resisted the urge to reach over and brush her cheek.

I park and turn the engine off. When I walk around to Evelyn's side, I open the door and instead of waking her up, carry her. I bunch up the dress and slip an arm behind her back and under her legs, lifting her out of the car.

With her in my arms, I shut the door with my leg and walk to the front door. One of the guards standing at the entrance opens the door and I send him a small nod.

The time was around two in the morning and everyone in the house seemed to already be asleep. I slightly am walking up the stairs when Evelyn groans and nuzzles her head into my chest.

Heavy sleeper like always.

When I finally reach my room and walk in, I lay Evelyn on the bed and take my tie off. Throwing it on my bedside table, I remove my shoes and grab them off the floor. I make my way to my closet and change out of my clothes into pajamas. Just a white t-shirt and black pajama pants.

Evelyn had made herself comfortable on my bed and was hugging a pillow. I laugh under my breath and walk over to the bed. I pull on the comforter under her and pull it over her in order to give her warmth.

Once I've done that, I grab a pillow off the bed and walk over to the couch in the corner of my room, and lay down. The couch was nowhere near as comfortable as my bed but I wasn't going to push it and sleep in the same bed as her.

I know she was basically technically my friend again, but highly doubt she'd approve of me laying next to her in bed.

But trust me when I say that not yet.

One day I'll get there.

Next to her in the same bed. Same covers. Our bodies against each other-

I hold my hands over my face and breathe take a deep breath in and out.

Fucking hormones.


Date posted: 11/16/22

Words: 1511

Time posted: 8:50 pm

Broken Connection✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora