{36} Evermore

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When you see this " <3 " I suggest playing 'Everything works out in the end' - Kodaline.

(I highly suggest it, Enjoy)

(I highly suggest it, Enjoy)

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.


Two and a half months later

Life has been easier, to say the least. I've finally started to sleep without nightmares or reoccurring thoughts of the past. It's like my world has soaked its color back in and it's just so good. The air is starting to get warmer. It's February, and it's not as cold so that cool breeze is refreshing. 

I walk into the apartment and I can hear little footsteps running around in the living room. I already know who's come to visit so I peek around the corner as if hiding. Adrien, Rose, Brody, and his dog Dash are in the living room with Grayson. They all mingle while watching Brody and Dash play on the floor.

"Well if it isn't you two little rascals!" Eventually, I stop admiring from afar and step into the living room, heads turning. Brody's face lights up at the sight of me and Dash bolts towards me. "LYN!" Brody screams excitedly as I reach him. His nickname for me shows how close we've gotten over these past few months of endless visits from others trying to show their love towards Grayson and me.

"C'mere you little goof," I softly drop to the floor on my knees and open my arms for Brody to run into; which he does gladly. "Ugh, did you grow in the past week?" I growl against his skin. "It's Grayson's pancakes," He comments laughing. The giggles grow louder as I lay him down on the ground and start tickling him. "Stinker! You ate without me?" 

"Gray fed me!" He snorts, I let him rest and sit back on my legs as I push my hair back. That's when I noticed everyone watching me. My eyes meet Grayson. "What?" I ask as I study his eyes lost in me. "..Nothing," Yet it's not nothing because he smiles softly. 

"By the way your parking sucks. Your car was too close to mine this morning. I struggled to get in, you almost made me late for work." Getting up off the floor, I sit down on the couch next to him. He smirks. "Which car?" I roll my eyes at his spoiled remark. He has like four cars in the garage. It's insane.

And that's not all the ones he owns.

"I hate you." I retort looking away from him jokingly. "No, you don't," His fingers wrap around my chin and I look at him, "You love me." In front of everyone, Grayson's lips meet mine in a quick kiss. Still against his lips, I smile, "No, I definitely hate you. Don't seduce me Valor." 

"Can you guys not rub my loneliness in? Stop fuck-" I watch Adrien stop himself from cussing as his eyes meet Brody's. I chuckle and then snuggle against Grayson, tucking my legs up onto the couch and resting my head on Grayson's shoulder. "I love you," I whisper only for him to hear as we watch Rose start smacking Adrien on the arm and Brody joins in.

Grayson looks down at me and plants a soft kiss on my head before whispering back, "I love you too." It's like everyone in the room disappears for a moment because I get lost in Gray's eyes. Everything bad that's happened dissipates into nothing and all the good comes up to the surface. I really can't imagine being in love with anyone but Grayson. Yeah, he killed a little bit of me when we fell out, yet he came back and revived that part of me that I thought was dead. 

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