{35} A New Chapter

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"Want another favor already?" Trevor walks into the room fixing the cuffs of his dress shirt. His eyes meet my dad's in the middle of the empty warehouse. I'm behind the car, watching through the glass panes of the windows. "You went too far, Trevor." My father says, his voice raspy. 

This wasn't forgiveness, nowhere near it. Seeing my father beg me for his forgiveness on his knees cracked something open inside of me. Possibly that parenthood I so much craved and lost as a kid. I'm giving him a chance to fix his ways and become a better person. 

I did.

"What are you talking about?" Trevor asks crossing his arms, like he's done no wrong. Like he's innocent. "What you did to Evelyn. You went too far." Trevor rolls his eyes and turns around, annoyed. "Isn't that what you wanted to do, scare her?" My father takes a step forward, "Scare her not harm her."

"Same thing man." 

"No, not the same thing. You put her in the hospital for three days." My father reasons, but Trevor looks bored. Seeing him standing there, right there without my arms wrapped around his useless throat drove me mad. All I wanted at this very moment was to hurt him. 

Hurt him until it starts hurting me.

"You didn't only hurt her though, you hurt Grayson." This is the one thing that doesn't bore Trevor, he's confused now, a little scared. "Why would he care? He found out what she did to me. They broke up, he wants nothing to do with her." He rambles, more frightened like he knows this isn't a good sign. 

I start making my way around the back of the car, quietly walking away from it and further away from Trevor's line of view. "Trevor, me and you both know that was never true. I know he talked your ear off about her after they fell out years ago. He cared about her. Loved her." I start making my way back towards Trevor, this time directly from behind. "He still does, I'm afraid he always will."

My hand slides into my blazer, grabbing ahold of my gun. "But there's one thing Grayson has always known straight. Something that has and will never change," I near him, tighten my jaw, and meet my dad's eyes. "...Grayson will do anything to protect her," My dad says, lowly. 

My gun meets the back of Trevor's head and he goes still. I finish my dad's little speech. "Even if it means getting my hands dirty." I aim the gun lower and shoot him in the leg, a cry erupts in the echoey warehouse. Trevor falls to the floor hugging his leg, looking at his blood-soaked pants.

When I look up at my dad he does nothing, he turns around and walks away, leaving the warehouse. But his look, it was a message. Permission.

Do as you please,

"Wanna help me?" I start removing my blazer and steps echo behind me, coming towards me. "Oh, why the pleasure would certainly be mine..." I turn around, tossing my blazer and rolling up my dress shirt sleeves. At the same time, I watch a smirking Adrien stalk over to me, hands in his pockets, eyes dark. 

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