{10} Trouble

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It had been six days since I had last spoken to Evelyn. Since I had last seen her.

We got into an argument over some bullshit about us being too "close". At least that's what I got from us yelling at each other.

Oh, and let's not mention the fact that I basically confessed that I liked her when I dated her sister 5 years ago. I'm winning this second chance already.

Way to go me...

A knock at my bedroom door makes me groan and I pluck a pillow from right next to me and cover my face with it. I was already set for a bad mood kind of day, and I was already to punch whoever was disturbing me.

"Hey, asshole!" Adrien's annoying voice beckons as he starts banging on my door even harder. Can he just shut the fuck and go away? As much as I hate to admit that I love him, he can a real pain in your ass sometimes.

For example... Right fucking now.

"Dude, I know you're awake and ignoring me. Spare us both the death of your doorknob and unlock your door." He states in a low voice. Luckily, I give zero shits about the fucking doorknob and stay in bed.

"Alright. Fuck you-" A crash is heard from Adrien kicking my door in, and the doorknob drops on the floor. "Dude, you seriously gotta get up." The bed sinks next to me and I sense an annoying presence.

"Fuck off." Is all I groan before I turn onto my stomach and tuck my head under a pillow. "Love you too brother." Adrien pats my bare back and I feel him get off the bed. I grow suspicious as he walks into my bathroom and I hear him stepping around in there as if inspecting something.

"Get out of there dumbass." I find the strength in me to finally get out of bed and pull the cover off of me. "I was admiring myself, man." HE smirks and I fight the urge to smash his face in.

Adrien has always been one to be confident and cocky at the same time. That's something the entire family admires him for though. It's basically his entire personality. But hey, we've all grown to love and know him for it. So fuck it.

"Dude..." Adrien stares at me as I stand from my bed. I look over at a stunned Adrien. "You're fuckin' ripped." A chuckle escapes my mouth and I stretch. "I seriously don't understand how you haven't boned anyone in over a year or two. I'd take advantage if I had your body dude." His words make me cringe and walk past him to my closet.

"I have no interest in getting boned by some random whore." I grab a white t-shirt from a drawer and begin pulling it over my head. "Besides, I'm past doing that shit." I was not one to be doing that anymore. A sudden guilt was waived over me when I somehow ended up sleeping with someone's wife.

In my defense, the bitch had told me she was single and rented a hotel for us. Then again I shouldn't have been letting myself get caught up in so many girls. Trust me when I say I was at least increasing my body count by four by the week. I was the definition of a man whore.

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